The Golden Coin of the Karitis - A Talisman for All You Desire


Hello everyone! I hope you're all doing swell! Things have been good on my end.

I received an interesting piece of spellwork the other day while consecrating my Dust of Karitis, guided by the presence of the Charities and of Hekate. I felt like sharing it with you, because it is specifically designed to draw a situation, or thing which will bring you joy. This charm specifically employs the Dust of Karitis, but it can also be done utilizing a different powder or dust of your choosing.

Before I get into the charm itself, I'd just like to mention the importance of the mechanics of this charm. It will specifically draw something to you that will bring you joy. This is a very broad statement. If wealth is what will make you happy right now, that works! But it can also be used to draw the necessary situation to allow you to go on a trip for an anniversary, or simply to go. It can be used to draw a person to you, if they'll make you happy. It's honestly pretty simple, but I'd like to mention it because you need to specifically express joy at the thought of receiving your request. This is a working driven by passion, in a way. It isn't dependent on the incantation, nor is it dependent on the visualization, it is dependent on your personal feelings. Of course the incantation and visualization are still important, because you do need to direct that passion somehow. Anyways, let's get into it!

Begin by gathering the following items: a plate or, preferably, a mirror, a piece of paper or parchment, a pen, a large coin, or a paper bill, olive oil, a small amount of beeswax, and your Dust of Karitis or herbal mixture. You will also need three yellow candles. Prepare also any offerings. On one side of the paper, write the names of the Charities Thalia, Euphrosyne, and Aglaia, so as to form a triangle, within which you should write your request. On the other side of the paper, draw a Strophalos, and write upon its 'branches' the names AKTIOPHIS, ERESCHCIGAL, NEBOTOUSOUALETH. This Strophalos should be quite small, so that it can be left unbroken when folding the charm onto itself. Anoint your coin or bill with olive oil, and sprinkle with Dust. Proceed to fold the paper onto the coin or bill, making sure the Strophalos is left unbroken and easily seen on the exterior of the talisman. Anoint the Strophalos with a dab of olive oil or Holy Anointing Oil, before sealing the whole in beeswax.


Proceed by anointing your candles with olive oil, sprinkling with Dust of Karitis, and placing them onto your plate so as to form a triangle once more. Anoint the edge of your plate with more olive oil, and sprinkle Dust onto the rim. State that this circle has now become a temple of manifestation. You can do this by casting you usual circle, or simply by saying that it is out loud, just do what you usually would to delineate a holy space. Light your incense, lay out your offerings, and clear the space by whatever method you prefer. Center yourself, take a breather, and begin visualizing and building a perfect image of your desire, that which you have stated when making the talisman. When you feel this image is solid and ready to go, begin reciting the following incantation. Light the candles as you pronounce the names of each Charity, starting at the peak of the triangle, moving clockwise.

Daughters of Zeus and Hera, hear my request!

Thalia, Euphrosyne, Aglaia, make yourselves present;

Take your places within this temple, begin your dance!

Spin and turn as the Strophalos,

Attract and captivate my desires, that which I want:

State your request here!

Render me joyous and merry, by completion of this request;

Accept these offerings of state offerings here,

This feast I have laid out for you;

Grant me joy, abundance, prosperity and wealth.

Thalia, Euphrosyne, Aglaia!

Beautiful ones, forever youthful, forever merry,

Grant me your grace!

Repeat the incantation as many times as necessary, you'll feel a wave of joy and peace, and a kind of lightheadedness whenever it's good to go. Not everyone can feel those types of changes, but whenever your brain begins associating the talisman with the image, and you feel it 'click', you're all done! Thank Thalia Euphrosyne and Aglaia for their presence and blessing, and let the candles burn down. When all of the candles have burned down, dispose of the offerings and begin carrying the charm on you at all times. Put it in your pocket during the day, and place it by your bed or under your pillow at night. Once your request has been granted, give the coin or bill to someone less fortunate than you, and burn the remnants.

I hope this rite is of interest to some of you! I would love to see if you do perform it, so feel free to tag me on Instagram, or send me an e-mail or message!




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