Scrying with the Tears of Phorsys - Proloquor Oil


Hello and welcome! This is my first post here on the Kitchen Toad blog. Today I'd like to share a simple ritual involving our Proloquor Oil, an oil imbued with the Tears of Phorsys, consecrated and empowered by his daughters, the Graeae. This rite is akin to the traditional Al-Mandal, or Art of the Oil. Although its setup and its end goal is very similar, the methodology by which we will achieve our visions is quite different. We will be borrowing the Eye's power and using it as ours for a short while, rather than employing the authority of God over an intermediary spirit to procure knowledge.

Here I have shown the use of four candles, a central pillar for Hekate, and three chimes for the Grey Sisters themselves. Each chime candle is to be carved with the name of one of the sisters: Deino, Enyo, and Pemphredos. These are then anointed with Proloquor Oil, and placed in a triangle, surrounding Hekate. Do note that the use of these four candles is optional, and the rite would work just as well with a single chime candle. In such a case, however, further precautions should be taken to avoid receiving visions of grief and strife. Have at the ready an appropriate incense, as well as your scrying medium. This medium can be a black mirror, a certain stone, a crystal ball, a piece of glass, or a bowl of water. Here I have shown a beautiful piece of Agate, collected by my dear friend. You may also involve a mixture of worts if you would like, but I do not find it necessary.

Begin by lighting the candle representative of Hekate, and call to her by knocking upon the altar thrice. I'd like to mention that I primarily work with Hekate through the lens of Jason Miller's Sorcery of Hekate arcana. If you are familiar with this work, feel free to proceed using the typical conjurations. In the case you are not, I will provide an invocation of the Graeae by the strength of Hekate below. Nonetheless, call out to Hekate and mention the goal of this rite. It is important that you have a clear understanding of what it is you wish to see. Remember that the Eye grants the power to see the past, present, and future, and the visage of any. With this candle lit, and your goal stated, light your incense and offer it onto Hekate. Ask her to bring forth the Grey Sisters:

'Hekate! You, donning a saffron cloak, soul of the cosmos, answer my request!

Send unto me the daughters of Phorcys and Ceto: Deino, Enyo, and Pemphredos!

You, Daughters of the mighty Sea God, possessors of his unblinking Eye,

Lend me its power! Hold it to the Moon, and let its Tears fall upon my face,

Oh, Eye of Phorsys, do not show me a vision of pain, grief, or strife,

But a vision of ___! Do not harm my vision, and do not deceive me,

Be truthful in your mystery!

By the authority of Hekate, I bind you Deino!

By the authority of Hekate, I bind you Enyo!

By the authority of Hekate, I bind you Pemhpredo!

You, Grey Sisters of the Eye, oversee these rites, and see that all is well.'

At this time, anoint your scrying medium with Proloquor Oil, blowing on it thrice. Position this medium before Hekate, represented by the central candle. Make sure that it both reflects your face, and the light of the candles surrounding it. Close your eyes, and begin humming and vibrating the following mantra: IO IA EH. As you do so, envision the Grey Sisters holding the Eye of Phorcys above you, until it begins weeping. These tears fall upon your eyelids, as you anoint them with Proloquor Oil. When you've achieved an altered state of mind, and your eyelids begin wanting to open by themselves, open your eyes and stare deeply into your scrying medium, still intoning the mantra. See the medium expand past your vision, enveloping your field of view. Concentrate on what it is you wish to see, and let the visions come to you. This can sometimes take a few minutes, and time may feel like it is going by very slowly, but remain patient and you will be rewarded. If you have difficulty receiving visions, a tea of mugwort and vervain can be drunk before the ritual begins. You may also employ a range of different entheogens to achieve a similar effect.

Once you've received your desired vision, thank Hekate, as well as the Grey Sisters. Thank your ancestors, thank the land, and thank those who have helped you get to where you are. Extinguish the candles, or let them burn down. If you decide to keep the candles, they can be used once again next time you need to receive a vision. If the candles burn down all the way before you receive a vision, close the rite as soon as they put themselves out, and head straight to bed. A nap will do just as well as a restful sleep, and you should receive the vision in your dreams.

I hope this short ritual will be of great use to you all! I'd like to thank you once again for supporting Kitchen Toad, I couldn't do it without you!




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