A Spell of Money Mastery

Money Mastery 1.jpg

This is a simple candle spell for mastery over money, whether you'd like to make more of it, solidify it, or be able to save more of it. It's nothing revolutionary, but it's something within which the simplicity of the act has tremendous impact. In an effort to go back to my roots and that which I originally loved about magic, I've been putting an emphasis on the animist side of my practice. My year-long foray into astrological magic has recently ended, and I feel out of touch with my surroundings, the land on which I tread. As such, I find a need to focus on and meet anew the spirits that share my life and share the same land. If nothing else, this serves as a detailed look into the way I perform this type of spell after deciding to focus entirely on the celestial arts, and completely changing my methods over the course of little over a year. That said, I hope you'll find some use in this! Please let me know if do perform it and tell me how it goes over on Instagram <3

This is a spell that conjures the spirit of each item present to aid us in reaching our goals. You'll need a (preferably) green pillar candle, a High John the Conqueror root, a $20 bill, a magical oil pertaining to your specific goals, as well as a powder or herbal mixture. I used a Money Mastery candle, which is already dressed with Gravel root, Frankincense, Basil, and Licorice root, as well as some Jupiter oil and Dust of Karitis. You'll also need two pieces each of Pyrite, clear Quartz, Amethyst, and Lapis Lazuli, as well as 4 spirit money bills, and finally, incense.

Spell ingredients

Spell ingredients

Begin by clearing your space in whichever way you prefer, and cleanse your curios with smoke or liquor. I used a Dragon's Blood Sage bundle. If you are using a mix of herbs that weren't already empowered and tasked, cup each within your hands and empty your lungs onto them three times, conjuring their spirit to bring you wealth, prosperity, abundance, and success. Begin by carving onto the side of the candle "Better wealth. Better prosperity. Better abundance. Better success." so that each phrase is spaced out evenly on the periphery of your candle. Awaken the spirit dormant within your oil by ringing a bell over it and rousing it with incantation. I like using my personal spirit of oil charm. Anoint your candle top down and as you do so, rouse its spirit:

'Spirit of Wax, hear my call, rise from your form and accomplish the task at hand. Draw towards me better wealth, better prosperity, better abundance, and better success. Meet and mingle with the spirits present and become the sum of their parts. As you burn, let my will be done. Amen'

Dress the candle with your powder, and make sure to pool some oil onto the top of the pillar so that it burns as the wax melts. Write the same requests as you did on the candle onto four spirit money bills, and anoint each with your oil. Anoint also the $20 bill, and fold each bill towards yourself four times. Place the spirit money under the candle, and set your $20 bill besides the candle. Take your High John root and anoint it with oil. Ring a bell over it, or snap your fingers above it, and ask it to bring you success in all matters and to aid you in conquering all obstacles standing between you and your goals. Set it on top of your $20 bill. Do the same for the stones and for your incense: Amethyst brings abundance and protection, Pyrite draws money, Lapis Lazuli draws business and wealth, Quartz amplifies the work, and incense attracts helpful spirits. Place your stones in pairs opposite one another around your candle. You can use a quartz point to 'link' the stones to one another by tracing an infinity loop around them, in theory creating an energetic vortex where the loop meets, which should be where your candle is. Once all this is done, light the wick, light your incense, and state your needs once again. Begin repeating the following rhyme until your words come out slurred and unclear, focusing on the flame:

'Flies to honey,

Money to me,

My success flows

As the river banks grow,

As the fields abound

Prosperity is all around,

And my abundance is true

As the morning dew,'

You can let the candle burn down all the way, or you can light it every day for the duration of the two week period between the New and Full moons. Once it has burned down, take the $20 and place it in your wallet. Place the High John the Conqueror root, the spirit bills, the stones, and a few pieces of wax into a green bag and carry with you at all times, or place it at the center of your business.

It is important that each time you speak to the curios, you address and conjure their spirit with calm and respect. You are asking them to help you and join you in an act of magic. You are not commanding them, nor coaxing them with sweet words. You are simply putting them to work. A simple command will do, such as:

'Spirit of so and so, by my Breath I give you Life, and by my word, I ask of you: Lend yourself to the task at hand, and fulfill my request. Bring me wealth, prosperity, success, and abundance. Lend your spirit to this work, meet and mingle with the spirits present and become the culmination of their worth. By the burning of this creature of wax, let my will be done. Amen.'

Make sure to repeat the rhyme over the charm bag every so often, and keep it fed with oil, liquor and smoke. A happy bag is a happy spirit, and will continue to work for you so long as it is fed and treated kindly.




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