Spellwork & Divination
To book spellwork, please click the button below. After we have received and reviewed your intake form, we will be in touch to discuss the details of your request and provide our recommendation and quote. Prices start at $150, but may range depending on the materials, time, effort, and desired outcome. We are open to performing all types of work, from positive workings to maleficia, although the latter is considered with much scrutiny, and comes at its cost. For more details on the various types of spellwork we offer, see below.
To book a divination, consulting, or coaching session, please click the button below and schedule your appointment. All divination, consultation, and coaching is provided and recorded through Zoom for ease of reference.
For a glimpse at our methods:
Tailored Spellwork
+ Personalized Talismans & Charm Bags
A talisman will be fashioned based on your needs, whether for love, money, success, or to draw on a particular planetary power. All talismans are ritually consecrated with proper timing, invoking the appropriate spirits for the task. Instructions to feed and maintain each talisman's power will be provided, along with any rituals or techniques shared by the spirit seated within.
Personalized talismans start at $155, but peculiar requests involving rare materia are subject to additional costs to cover materials. A complementary oil can be specially formulated for your purpose for an additional $50.
+ Planetary Candle-Burning Rituals
Our planetary candle-burning rituals are ideal for harnessing the power of the Celestial bodies towards any goal. The appropriate planetary pentacle will be used to conjure the angels of the Celestial body, who will be set to work on your behalf. Various candles, oils, herbs, and other materia will be used to bolster your endeavors and obtain the grace of the planetary spirits, along with offerings appropriate to the nature of the spirits conjured.
+ Uncrossing & Blessing
To be rid of all jinxes, crosses, and curses and replace their influence with that of blessings. A cross-shaped candle will be baptized in your name and anointed with various oils of exorcism before being fumigated with cleansing herbs and 'scraped' with a black-hilted knife consecrated according to Solomonic tradition. This ensures that all negative influences are severed from your spiritual body, remediating energetic illness, destroying hexes, and enhancing your overall wellbeing. I offer this work for free to recurring clients, in exchange for a public testimony.
+ Baneful Work
Kitchen Toad recognizes that certain situations require a heavy hand; we do not shy away from baneful work, but advocate for the responsible use of maleficia. Although we are happy to provide you with curses, hexes, jinxes, bindings, hauntings, and magical threats galore, each request will be met with scrutiny, and a reading will be performed to verify the outcome of the working, as well as to confirm whether it is justified.
Baneful workings start at $300, but may be subject to additional costs depending on materials required, and the nature of the work itself.
Geomancy is a method of divination hailing from Northern Africa, involving the casting of lots to obtain binary values which are then distributed through a chart. The 16 figures obtained are then interpreted according to the 12 Houses they fall into, with an additional set of three figures interpreted as the Court, and a 'reconciliator' obtained by combining the figure of the querent with that of the answer. Geomancy's strength lies in its binary system, allowing us to extrapolate a surprising amount of information and detail from its relatively simple charts by applying a variety of classical and modern techniques.
Geomancy excels at answering yes/no questions while also allowing us to examine the circumstances, influences, and factors affecting the outcome spelled out by the chart. In doing so, we are able to adjust course, to remediate potential trouble, and to find potential solutions to any challenges coming your way.
Every reading involves a divination ritual performed with the help of my assisting spirits, along with offerings to the spirits of the day as well as those of your spiritual court. Pictures of this ritual will be provided with your reading.
+ Standard Readings
Our standard reading takes a holistic approach to your query. We will consider your personal state, as well as that of the other party or situation at hand, along with interfering influences and prominent figures in the chart. If applicable, we will also consider the Via Puncti to find the root of the issue, and employ a variety of appropriate techniques to obtain a defined and detailed answer to your question.
What kind of questions should I ask?
The best questions to ask within the frame of Geomancy are yes/no questions, or those with a binary response. From these, more detail can be extrapolated as to the why/how/when/etc...
Example questions:
Will I profit if I invest in this stock portfolio?
Does John prefer Jane over me, romantically?
Is this dream apartment as good as it seems?
Will I succeed in building this business idea?
Will my husband receive his visa in the next month?
$125 per hour
Specialized Readings
+ Locating lost objects, materia, places, or people
Within this reading, we will observe the House which best suits the item you are hoping to locate, taking the figure within and its interactions with the rest of the chart as indicators of the object's location. We will also consider the Court to determine whether the item was lost, stolen, or simply misplaced, and whether or not it can be retrieved.
+ Relocation
Planning your next move? We will consider the mobility of the figure in the 4th House as a confirmation of whether or not you should make the jump. We will also interpret the Court as the progression of your endeavor, along with the 3rd and 9th Houses as indicators of the challenges you encounter and the blessings you may reap. In the case that you are debating between multiple options, we will look for perfection with the 1st House to indicate which option is best suited for your goals.
+ Love Readings involving more than 2 parties
Sometimes we need to know who will come out on top; will the heart of your beloved be stolen by his new interest, or will your love prevail? Within this reading, we will take a look at your situation through the lens of the 1st House (representing you), the 7th House (representing your lover), and the 5th House (representing your rival in love). The Court will be interpreted as indication of how your relationship will progress forward, and perfection between the 1st and 7th, or 5th and 7th Houses will be interpreted to discover the winning party. This reading also includes an analysis of the influences at hand and of the nature of each party's role within the affair. Because such readings often require separate charts to be cast to clarify the outcome and the intentions of each party, this process is quite a laborious affair and may take longer to complete than most other readings.
+ The Spiritual Ecosystem Reading
This reading focuses on various Houses of the chart to assess the web of magical and spiritual relationships around the querent. Throughout this reading, we will assess the querent's natural affinities and proclivities, spiritual afflicitons, local land spirits, ancestors and dead, affinities with deities, helping spirits, and hidden influences. A focus is placed on practical interaction with the spirits of this chart and thorough advice, whether it be practices, methods, spells, or recipes, are provided to remediate negative influences and take advantage of positive omens. The goal of this reading is to provide you with the tools to engage with the spirits of this chart in such a way that you reap the benefits of your relationship with these spirits and can build a powerful, localized witchcraft practice drawing on these pre-existing relationships.
This reading is recommended to anyone starting on their path of witchcraft, or to those who want to dig deeper into the web of connections surrounding them.
Formulation Services
The cost of custom formulas is calculated considering the materia required, the time taken to collect, retrieve, and process said materia, and our custom formulation fee of $50. You will receive 2oz of materia along with the recipe and methodology needed to recreate it. The remaining materia may be offered through our online boutique (deeply personal formulas excluded, of course).
Standard formulation costs range from $75-$200 + shipping depending on the factors mentioned above. Should you wish to receive more than 2oz of product, a special rate may be discussed over e-mail.
Formulation can be a very lengthy process, including multiple instances of communion with various spirits, astrological timing, processing materia, infusion, drying, fermentation, and maceration periods, etc... and as such, I will check in with you at every major step of the process to ensure that we are moving towards your desired outcome.
Please note that all custom formulation may be used as the basis for a larger batch, to be offered through the shop. The additional cost of shipping will be calculated when the product has been created.