Geomantic Forecast for the Month of November

I would like to preface this reading with a small disclaimer; Geomancy is not necessarily fit for divination on large groups of people with no direct relation to one another, and as such this reading should be considered to be somewhere between a personal reading of the month of November and a general horoscope for the month-ahead. Not everything here will apply to everyone, but certain patterns should appear despite this fact. The purpose of this reading is above all for the sake of experimentation and light-hearted fun. I would love to hear from you if you notice or experience any of the omens that come up!

According to the Court, November will bring a much needed period of stagnancy and reflection following a hectic October, which will allow us to prepare for the excitement of December. This is a time to find our bearings and go easy on ourselves as the month will bring challenging events and environments which, though they may not apply to us directly, may still affect our surroundings and the people we interact with in our day-to-day. This can sour our disposition and cause our health to suffer due to stress, especially of the kind which leaves us restless and hungry for change. These things will change, however, and we must simply weather the storm.

The First House of Self indicates a difficult beginning to the month of November; stress may be high, and a destructive temperament may manifest. The continuous chaos of the holidays may leave us in a state of heightened emotional awareness, especially for those of us who are attempting to find balance between the mundane and spiritual festivities of this time. Despite the good mood of those around us, we may be tempted to conduct ourselves with anger and disappointment this month, finding insult where there is none to be found, or projecting our own feelings of discontentment onto friends and family. It is important for us to cut out and move past the attachments and events which have left us raw in the last year, metaphorically cauterizing any open wounds with tender care.

Finances, as indicated by the Second House of Possessions, may be a little tighter than we would like this month. Surprise expenses, reckless spending, and above all the rising cost of daily necessities, will all leave their marks on the monthly budget. You may find yourself met with higher grocery bills than usual, or go over the planned budget for this month's festivities. Yet again, you may find yourself having to cover another's promised portion when it comes to family events. Do not expect to save much money this month, and focus rather on keeping yourself and your loved ones afloat, and avoiding any bills dragging you down, as this will set the tone for the rest of Winter's time.

The Third House of Surroundings is in company simple with the Fourth House of the Home, and this is where things get complicated — and where most of this month's trouble comes from. The figure of these Houses also appears in the Eighth House of Spirits, and thus, expect family matters, and especially those pertaining to the parental home, to be extremely tedious. There is likely to be drama, jealousy, and deceit served alongside the stuffing this year. In particular, there may be trouble when it comes to matters of inheritance, which will build walls between family members; matters of a parent's health may also be on the table this month. Beware of half-truths, hidden animosity, and general jealousy coming from siblings, cousins, and in-laws, as well as the divide between a mother and a father's will. There may be small machinations happening behind closed doors, uncommunicated wishes whose originators may wish to have resolved without anyone's knowing, and other such things. Favoritism is likely to re-open old wounds and leave you feeling like a child again, despite the fact that this month's events will force you to take on the responsibility which prior belonged to a parent or older relative. With the combined meaning of the House of Possessions and the appearance of Rubeus in the Third, Fourth, and Eighth, there is the possibility of having to take on a debt which belonged to a parent or relative.

Despite the unfortunate omens described in the first few Houses of this chart, the rest of the chart seems to be quite positive in all its aspects. The appearance of Laetitia in both the Fifth House of Pleasure and the Seventh House of Partnerships indicates great joy stemming from all relationships this month, whether romantic or platonic. That said, Laetitia in the Fifth does find itself in company with Puella in the Sixth, and thus we can predict great developments in the realm of romance this month. If you have been waiting to make a move on a crush, to solidify a relationship with someone you've been seeing more casually, or are looking to bring back some sparkle to your relationship, it is highly likely that November will grant you the opportunity to do so — and with great results! Proposals may have to wait, as Laetitia seldom represents the binding knot of marriage, but all other acts of romance and friendship are to be met with excellent joy and an expansive quality befitting of holiday cheer. You can also expect to see and increase in creativity, and all things pertaining to hobbies and personal development this month. It is a great time to put your work out there, or to expand on your current skillset in all things, but especially in artistic pursuits. Of course, Laetitia being in company with Puella here indicates a great time in bed; let loose!

The presence of Puella in the Sixth House of Mercury presages good health for most of us this month, along with the good health of pets. For those who suffer from kidney or lower back issues however, Puella's company with Laetitia could indicate that you will experience flare-ups this month. Pain in the lower back is likely related to the kidneys rather than to the lumbar muscles, as Laetitia passes to the Seventh House which represents the lower back, making Puella's presence doubly pronounced. Everyone should be careful of diseases which are transmitted socially, however, whether they be airborne or otherwise. Covid-19 of course comes to mind here, and this should be expected already given the annual rise in cases around this time of year. If you are hiring anyone for any sort of service, whether it be for catering, for fixing something up, or for medical assistance, you can expect things to go over smoothly and without fuss.

I've already spoken of Rubeus in the House of Spirits' influence on the chart as a whole, but this is also the House of Magic and as such Rubeus' presence here also indicates that due diligence and utmost carefulness should be taken when performing spellwork this month. Rubeus indicates failure of magical endeavors due to haste, which can easily be mitigated by placing a little more emphasis on planning rather than performing impromptu spellwork. Double-check astrological elections a few days before performing your work, and employ divination to verify the outcome of spellwork before casting. A failure to do so could cause a monkey's paw effect, leading the results of your spellwork towards family or household members rather than your target. Hexes, bindings, and maleficia of all sorts will deliver more potent results than usual this month, but care should be taken to ensure they knock on the right door.

Any long-distance travel this month will be blessed, as indicated by Via's appearance in the Ninth House of Jupiter. You can expect things to go smoothly, and to find ease in planning future travels or relocations. Those relocating for the sake of career this month should not expect things to change for better or worst; the same situations and experiences will be felt in a new location, which is indicated by Via's company with Populus in the Tenth House of Career. However, those wishing to relocate for work should begin to take their first steps towards it this month, as these endeavors will be blessed and bolstered. Things pertaining to higher education are also favorable this month, and good results should be expected in any sort of midterm or exam.

Some level of frustration may be experienced by those attempting to make large career moves this November, as Populus in the Tenth House of Career indicates very little movement or advancement this month. Those new to the workplace can expect a positive experience however, and may have more ease mingling and learning to belong than they had in the last few months. Hearing back from job applications will take longer than expected. This is a good month to reflect on your career path and what you wish to obtain from it, as Populus indicates a time of calmness and self-reflection. If you have not had the time to sit down and breathe, take November as an opportunity to slow down on work operations and give yourself the time to relax. As the House of the Mother, Populus also indicates that any family troubles experienced this holiday season may relate to the father rather than to the mother.

Despite the difficult predictions laid out in the first few Houses of this chart, the Eleventh House of Aid is occupied by Fortuna Major, indicating that the month is likely to unfold almost exactly how we imagined it to; the hopes and wishes we held for November are sure to come true, though we may not receive the help or aid we expected from others this month, our expectations will be fulfilled by our own hand. This is not a good month to make new associates or for professional networking, but the relationships we already hold with colleagues, acquaintances and associates will remain strong. Fortuna Major's company with Fortuna Minor in the Twelfth House indicates that we have the ability and opportunity to change any sort of bad luck into a blessing this month, and that by listening to our inner drive we can solve any problems coming up by standing up for ourselves and our morals. Any conflicts or problems, especially of the professional sort, will pass quickly. Though they may initially manifest as quite intense, they will be resolved without having to do much, so handling this month's events with grace is the best way to resolve our troubles. This could prove challenging if we let Cauda Draconis' influence in the First House get the best of us, but there is comfort in knowing that this month's problems are self-contained and entirely temporary in nature. This supports the meaning of the Judge, Populus, reinforcing that this month will ultimately be one of rest and respite if we let it be.

The Index finds itself in the Eighth House of Spirits, and the Part of Fortune in the Fourth House of the Home, indicating that our spiritual resources are best invested in taking care of our personal practice and the spirits with whom we work, while material resources are best invested in taking care of our home, our loved ones, and our own comfort. Investments in these areas will prove to be entirely worthwhile and will only affect the state of our affairs in a positive manner. Most problems this month can be handled by minding our own business and tending to our affairs with responsibility and diligence, rather than by actively trying to find resolutions to each thing that comes up. This axis also indicates that everything we need can be found close by, and that any sense of panic or loss can be taken care of by focusing our energy towards self-care, in whatever form feels best to you.

I hope this month grants you the rest you so deserve, and that the holidays treat you kindly! Happy All Saints', All Souls', and Thanksgiving to all who celebrate!




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