To Craft an Altar Bowl for Saint Expedite

This Saint Expedite Altar Bowl is an excellent means of channeling the power of the Saint for a range of purposes, whether it is used specifically to draw money, success, business, love, to help in legal matters, or used for the general purpose of obtaining Expedite’s favor. For those of us with limited space, this bowl is excellent to keep as a space of interaction and devotion with Saint Expedite when setting up an entire altar is not feasible. I have found that this bowl makes for quicker manifestation and stronger response from Expedite when used within the frame of petitions and novenas, but it can also be used as a resting place for oils, materia, talismans, rosaries, etc… to keep them “hot” and active with Expedite’s power.

You will need:

An earthenware bowl

3 Crow feathers

A Saint Expedite medal

A consecrated 5th Pentacle of Mercury, either drawn on parchment, or etched onto Silver or Tin.

A Mercury Dime, blessed and consecrated (I recommend purchasing these from Hoodoo Moses over at Holy Mountain Temple)

Saint Expedite Oil

Saint Expedite Powder

Jupiter powder (optional)

Road Opener Oil (from our own line, Mercury's Open Roads or Carrefour work great here, but avoid Hekate or Kleidochos oil)

Various oils according to your purpose

Holy Water, or a tincture/wash composed of holy herbs to cleanse and bless a ritual vessel

White rice, for abundance

Vetiver root, for financial success and security

Angelica Root, for power and mastery over your circumstances, for all things to come through positive circumstances, and to keep any and all interference at bay

Master Root, for mastery over money, the people surrounding you, and yourself, so that you may espouse the qualities of Saint Expedite

High John the Conqueror Root, for personal power and success

Galangal Root, for help in legal matters

Chamomile, for luck and blessings

Alfalfa, for money

Lemon Balm, for success and to draw the blessings of Jupiter

Brown Sugar, for all things to come through sweet means

Coins or bills of your local currency adding up to $3.33

Red 7 Day Candles, or Saint Expedite Fixed Candle

Offerings of water, red wine, coffee, and a single red candle anointed with Saint Expedite oil and dressed with Saint Expedite powder


Prepare an earthenware bowl in the day and hour of Mercury, as the Moon is waxing. Prior to beginning your work, recite an Our Father, three Hail Marys, Psalm 23, and one Glory Be. In the same hour, create and consecrate a 5th Pentacle of Mercury on paper or tin. Wash the bowl with Holy Water, or any other wash appropriate to cleansing and blessing ritual vessels; I particularly enjoy using a tincture of Rue, Angelica root, Tobacco, and Henbane leaf (the latter of which is a personal ally and may be substituted for any plant with which you hold kinship). I recommend using a rather porous earthenware bowl for this, as it allows you to anoint the ceramic itself with various oils until it has been tempered and sealed by these. My personal bowl is anointed with Saint Expedite oil, Mercury's Open Roads oil, Crown of Success oil, and Holy Anointing oil. You can then rub the bowl in Saint Expedite powder (such as our Quickened Foot powder), powdered red Carnations, and powdered red Roses.


Psalm 23

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.


If you are creating this bowl for a specific purpose, whether for attracting money or success, to clear up a fiscal matter, or to speed up a marriage proposal, you can place a petition detailing your needs at the very bottom of the bowl; if you would like to use this bowl in a more general manner, so that it can be reused for multiple petitions, I recommend simply leaving your petitions beneath the bowl. Personally, I chose to write down Psalm 23 on a piece of parchment in consecrated ink to leave at the bottom of my bowl.

Form a cross with Saint Expedite or Jupiter powder at the bottom of the bowl, and cover this with rice. Recite Psalm 23. Form another cross with more Saint Expedite powder, or another powder appropriate to your work, cover with rice, and recite Psalm 23 once more. Repeat this one last time, so that you have three crosses and three layers of rice forming the base of your bowl. Place your Saint Expedite medal, which should have been soaked in high proof liquor and set ablaze, in the center of your bowl, and place your consecrated Pentacle of Mercury on top of it. You may choose to anoint these with Saint Expedite and Road Opener oil respectively. Finally, place your Mercury Dime right at the center of your Pentacle. Making the sign of the cross three times over the bowl, pray to Saint Expedite to work through this medal, empowered by the virtues of the Pentacle and Mercury Dime placed atop it.

Form a nest using your Vetiver root so that there remains enough space to safely place a 7 day candle at its center, and sprinkle or place the rest of your herbs and roots along the circumference of this nest. I highly recommend sprinkling each of these with Holy Water (or with your tincture) and praying to them from the heart, requesting their help for the purposes mentioned above. Place your coins at the center of your bowl to form a flat surface onto which you can safely place your candle. Optionally, you can sprinkle some Rose essential oil onto the nest of herbs and roots to perfume the bowl as a whole, but this is by no means necessary, especially if you are not a fan of the scent. Once your bowl has been constructed, place it on top of the Crow feathers, exclaiming "HODIE, HODIE, HODIE!" to mimic Expedite's stomping of the Crow. Dress and fix a red 7 day candle, and place it in your bowl, lighting the wick as you pray Psalm 23 seven times. Pray to Saint Expedite to empower this bowl to bring swift success, resolution, and manifestation to the petitions and spells placed within it, and so that it may open all roads towards the successful manifestation of your work with him. Lay out your offerings of water, wine, coffee, etc... and pray Psalm 23 over the candle every day until it burns down completely, at which point your bowl is ready to use!

You may place petitions beneath it and burn candles in it to essentially create a spell that is already ready to go and needs little to no setting up, or you may place talismans, charm bags, bottles of oil, etc... within it to charge them with Expedite's power. I leave my bowl on Expedite's altar and use it mainly for the burning of candles when presenting petitions or performing spellwork with Expedite's help, but I have also found it makes a great place to stash sigil shoals and the like, if that is a method by which you work.

At the time of writing this, Saint Expedite’s Feast is a mere 3 weeks away, making it the perfect time to craft such a bowl!




Saint Expedite; the Saint of Urgent Matters


Geomantic Forecast for the Month of November