A method for crafting Jupiterian Talismanic Bills
Money beckons money, such is fact. You've probably heard it from every financial mentor from the past decade, and this concept applies to money magic as well. Thankfully, you won't need hundreds to invest into crafting a money-drawing spell, and this type of work is some of the most accessible in the witch's arsenal. I highly recommend crafting at least a dozen of these bills in advance, and to keep them locked away in a Jupiter box or some sort of money conjure box to keep them charged and potent.
The applications for these bills are near-endless; you can simply carry them in your wallet as money-talismans, or use them in the creation of more complex talismans, charms, mojo bags, or spell batteries such as my Kleidochos Road-Opener Lamp. You can also chop them up to add to money-drawing powders, oils, or incenses, or burn them and use the ashes to rub into talismans, altars, or anything that could benefit from their money-drawing magic.
Crafting the Bills
My personal method for creating charged bills involves the participation of my patron, Jupiter. But, you can involve any spirit with power over finances, money, and wealth with which you hold a closer relationship. If you do not work directly with spirits, feel free to draw on your expertise to adapt the methodology below.
Gather the following:
Bills of whichever currency is local to you; Americans often choose to use dollar bills, but here in Canada our lowest bill is $5, so that's what I usually stick with. They also happen to be blue, which is perfect for Jupiter.
Money-Drawing oil, such as Jupiter in Pisces oil, Pay Pig oil, Money Magnet oil, Crown of Success Oil, or Come to Me Oil.
Incense; Frankincense is great here, but a Jupiter or money-drawing incense is also appropriate.
4 blue candles; penny candles are great, but to supercharge your work I recommend using 7-day candles which can be left burning over the course of multiple days.
A permanent marker; in blue if you are using American currency, in black or green if using Canadian $5 bills.
Liquor; as I live in a grain-agriculture region, I recommend locally brewed whiskey, rye especially, but red wine, champagne, or sharp, grain-based vodka are all appropriate here. If you're feeling fancy, cognac and vermouth are also great options.
Some method of clearing energy and cleansing the space; my favorite method is to cense with Desert Sage and ring a consecrated bell until my surroundings feels lighter.
This working should be performed on a Thursday, in the hour of Jupiter, preferably when it is unafflicted and well-aspected by Mercury and a waxing Moon. All the better if the Moon is in the Mansion of The Lady, that of The Open Hand, The Scribe, or The Hunter. The Water Wheel and the Fish are also especially good for this. Begin by cleansing your workspace or waking up your Jupiter altar by whatever method is most comfortable. I like to burn some local Desert Sage (Artemisia Tridentata), accompanied by prayers to my ancestors and to those who occupied this land before I. Cleanse also the candles and bills, paying special attention to getting rid of all of the energetic and spiritual muck attached to your bills. Paper money grabs onto energies like nothing else, and will carry a charge from every pair of hands they have been handled by. As such, they can often often carry negative charges from folks with spending problems, those with scarcity complexes, and other unsavory exchanges. If you're using Canadian bills (or any currency made from plastic), wipe each bill down with the liquor, pushing away from yourself.
Open the ritual by invoking Jupiter and his spirits with the Conjuration of Thursday:
"Coniuro et confirmo, vos Angeli Sancti, per nomen Cados, Cados, Cados, Eschereie, Eschereie, Eschereie, Hatim, Ya, Fortis, Firmator Seculorum, Cantine, Iaim, Ianic, Anic, Calbat, Sabac Berifay, Alnaym, et per nomen Adonay qui creavit pisces et reptilia in aquis, et aves super faciem terrae volantes versus celos die quinto, et per in nomina angelorum deservientium in sexto exercitu coram pastore angelo magnoo et sancto et potenti principe, et per nomen Adonay sumni dei omium creatoris, et per nomen omnium stellarum, et per vim et virtutem earum, et per nomina praedicta coniuro te, Tzadqiel, angele magne qui est prepositus diei Iovis, ut pro me labores et adimpleas omnem meam petitionem, iuxta meum, velle et votum meum, in negotio et causa mea. Amen.”
Pour out four glasses of your libation and set them in front of your image of Jupiter, if you have one. If not, simply place them above your work surface. Hold each above your head, declaring that they are an offering to Jupiter in exchange for his blessing on this day.
Continue by drawing the 1st Pentacle of Jupiter onto your work surface and consecrating with the consecration given in the Greater Key of Solomon. Mark each bill with the following talisman and set aside.
First Pentacle of Jupiter
The talisman to be marked upon the bills.
This done, light your incense, and anoint your candles with your money-drawing oil; you may choose to dress them in talismanic powders or a combination of herbs. Pass them through the incense smoke and place them atop the four names of the angels written on the periphery of the pentacle, lighting each wick while announcing the name of its corresponding angel. Sprinkle more incense onto the coal, announcing that it is an offering to each of these angels in exchange for their help on this day.
Anoint each bill with your chosen oil, and sprinkle with any talismanic powders or herbs you may have used to dress the candles. As you picture the sigil on their surface to be glowing a bright, royal blue, hold each one in the incense smoke as you pray:
"Oh, holy Tzadqiel, Archangel of the Sphere of Jupiter,
I ask you to lend me your aid.
Angel of Kings, rightful king of increase and bounty,
Grant me your grace;
Favor me with Heaven's Fortune;
Fill the cup of my ambition with prosperity.
Do not let my cup run dry, and do not let my fields become barren;
You who designates rulers, grants kingdoms and cornucopias,
Lend me your legions;
Let them lay their hands upon this bill, that it may forever serve to attract more of its kin, through the intercession of your spirits. Let it be a talisman of your virtues, to draw wealth, prosperity, and abundance in every way. Let it become a magnet for the riches I seek, forever improving my finances.
Set your spirits into my contract,
Let them till and sow the fields of my wealth,
That I may reap the harvest.
Repeat this for every bill, holding the image of the glowing talisman in your mind's eye as the incense perfumes it. When you have finished, sprinkle each bill with a small amount of the liquor offered to Jupiter, and stack them together at the center of the pentacle. Let the candles burn down, and your bills are ready to go! Keep them on your altar, or in a Jupiter box to keep them charged up and full of money-drawing goodness.
These bills can be added to money-drawing jars, bags, charms, oil lamps, candle-workings, etc... or simply kept in your wallet or wherever you keep your money. If you’d like to learn about a few ways you can use your Jupiter bills to bolster your finances, hold onto your money, and draw business, I also shared three separate workings using these bills with my Branch-tier and above Patrons!
I hope that these bills will help you grab the financial bull by the horns, so to speak! Please let me know if there is anything here you would like me to expand upon; it will be my pleasure to do so!