Geomancy to Diagnose the Evil Eye (and Crossed Conditions)

Casting a Geomantic figure


This post first appeared on the Kitchen Toad Patreon, which is — for the time being — no longer active. These findings are based entirely on my own experience diagnosing curses and the Evil Eye on behalf of myself and clients over the course of my 5.5 years utilizing Geomancy as my primary mode of divination. Putting the information below into action will require some base knowledge of Geomancy on your behalf, but the method is otherwise quite simple.

Please note that the methodology expounded upon here can also be used to diagnose crossed conditions and curses with some small changes to the question.

Other posts in this series:

The Evil Eye; The Envious Blade, being an introduction to the Evil Eye.

Blessed Oil and Bloodied Yolk; Diagnoses of the Evil Eye, being an overview of techniques to diagnose the Eye.

To Rid Yourself of the Eye; a Charm of Hawthorn, being a simple charm to lay the Eye to rest with the recitation of a spoken charm. Patreon exclusive.

Hung and Pierced as the Corpse of Man; Spells of the Dame Hawtorn for the removal of the Eye, being a collection of four techniques to destroy and return the Eye by the work of the Dame Hawthorn. Patreon exclusive.

Geomancy is quite a complicated art, and explaining the myriad of ways in which the Eye may manifest within a chart would be like trying to explain the human body without a diagram. Instead, here are a few ways in which it appears within a chart when the question is 'Have I contracted the Evil Eye?'. There are four Houses which should be looked at: the 1st, the 6th, the 8th, and the 12th. Of course, the Court should also be taken into consideration.

The Court

If the Judge is a mobile figure, then the Eye has not been contracted, except if it is Via or Conjunctio, in which case the Eye has been sent by accident. If the Judge is a stable figure, then the Eye has indeed been contracted. The Right and Left Witnesses indicate its origin and immediate effects, respectively. If the Via Puncti forms, the House in which it ends indicates where the Eye was first encountered, as well as where its effect would have been felt initially.

The House of Self

Once the Eye has been confirmed, the figure appearing in the 1st House shows its most pressing effects on the querent. If the figure is positive, the Eye has not yet caused too much damage, and can be disposed of quite easily. If the figure is malefic, then damage has already been done, and treatment is urgent. If the figure of the first House is Rubeus, the Eye has evolved into more than a simple curse, and must be treated with haste and caution; the chart should be destroyed right away, and you should employ your best methods to be rid of the Eye. You usually would not continue a reading if the first figure was that of Rubeus, but in this case it is important to move forward nonetheless.

If the 1st House is in company with the 2nd, it indicates that the target of the Eye is a thing the querent holds, such as a child, riches, or a specific valuable. The figure appearing in the 2nd is indicative of both the item in question, as well as the evolution of the effects of the Eye on the querent's body. If the figure in the 1st passes to another House, difficulties will arise in that area of the querent's life due to the effects of the Eye on their being, essentially highlighting areas sabotaged by its presence.

Tristitia indicates that the Eye has taken deep root within the querent, and has been affecting their mental health, as well as their relationship with their ancestors. Barring Rubeus, this is the figure which should worry practitioners of magic the most.

Carcer indicates that the Eye will restrict the querent's ability to treat it, and might indicate that they are blind to their condition. The Eye will isolate them from their blessings and make it seem like this is a good thing. Querents with this figure in the 1st House might believe that the effects of the Eye on their life are nothing more than lessons to be learned for their own greater good, or that they are a blessing in disguise. This is never the case.

Cauda Draconis indicates that the querent is in danger of physical harm and illness, and that they will be severed from their personal power. The person having cast this Eye wishes for the querent to feel physical pain. This figure is more likely to appear if a witch or magical practitioner intentionally cast the Eye on the querent, but may also appear if someone cast the Eye out of extreme jealousy and ill-wish.

The House of Illness

In the 6th House, we look for signs of somatic illness caused by the Eye; the figure here should be considered as the place within the querent's body where the Eye has seated itself. If the figure here is Puer, then the head is the location of the Eye; if Albus, the lungs; if Rubeus, the genitals, etc... The effects of the figure appearing in the 1st House will directly affect this location. As such, one with Tristitia in the 1st and Albus in the 6th might develop asthma, fatigue, shortness of breath, or might pick up a smoking habit. If Carcer appears in the 1st, and Puer appears in the 6th, the querent will suffer from brain fog, ocular migraines that might cause temporary blindness, trouble with their vision, or might develop extremely limiting beliefs in reaction to the challenges they face. If Cauda Draconis appears in the 1st and Amissio is in the 6th, the querent is in danger of injury to their neck and shoulder, and may be at risk of contracting diseases of the throat. So on and so forth.

If the 6th House is in company with the 5th, the latter should be considered as the root of the cause for which the perpetrator has cast the Eye on the querent, and why the particular outcome outlined by the 1st and 6th is engendered. If the figure of the 6th moves to another House, this should be considered as a second location of the Eye, according to the astrological delineation of the Houses. For example, if the 1st House is occupied by Tristitia, it is ruled by Aquarius, and thus the 2nd is ruled by Pisces, the 3rd by Aries, the 4th by Taurus, the 5th by Gemini, and so on. If the figure in the 6th is Albus and moves to the 3rd, we would then consider that the illness lies both within the querent's lungs (and nervous system) as well as the head. These areas should be paid extra attention to when clearing the Eye, and should be treated to the best of your ability, whether through herbal, magical, or talismanic methods. For example, if the Eye is seated within the heart, a tea of Hawthorn berries and flowers can be used to treat the damage the Eye has done, and mitigate its effects on the body until it can be treated appropriately. Otherwise, a talisman of Mars may be worn about the neck, or a symbol of the planet marked upon the chest during appropriate ritual.

The House of the Dead

In the 8th House, we find the intended effects of the Eye cast upon the person, and an indication of the nature of the curse. As such, we may predict the evolution of the Eye and mitigate its effect. Together with the meaning of the 5th House and the Via Puncti (if these are involved in the reading) it presents the entirety of the perpetrator's intentions and reasoning. If, for example, the Via Puncti ends in the 7th House, the 6th contains Puella in company with Amissio in the 5th, and the 8th House contains Fortuna Major, we can assume that a jealous business partner, close friend, or known enemy is envious of the querent's relationship due to their own heartbreak or emotional vulnerability, and thus cast the eye with the intention to separate the querent and their current partner, although they do not realize the severity of what they are wishing for and come from a place of self-righteousness.

The 8th house is also a second layer of confirmation which indicates the severity of the curse; if the Judge indicates that the Eye has not been contracted, but the 8th House is occupied by a malefic figure, then a curse is still at work, although it is not the Eye. Inversely, if the Judge indicates that the Eye has been contracted but the 8th House contains a positive figure, the perpetrator did not cast the Eye with particular intention, or may be unaware of the severity of the hex they have cast. It can also indicate that the one who cast the Eye was not a magical practitioner, but simply an envious party.

If Rubeus is found here, then the caster was fully aware of their actions, and wished to poison the querent's life. An Eye of this nature often 'metastases' and begins hemorrhaging consequences all over the querent's life if left unchecked. Because of its intentionality, this is the most dangerous type of Eye, and can have vampiric qualities beyond that typically associated with the Evil Eye. This might make the querent a target for various shades and parasitic entities.

Tristitia indicates that the primary driving force behind the Eye is to stop the querent from achieving their goals, or to stop the flow of their blessings. The caster may or may not have been a magical practitioner, but the Eye was cast with intent nonetheless. The perpetrator wanting to surpass the querent in matters of love, career, or personal matters is typical with this figure, although the caster might not wish for direct harm to befall the querent. Spirits of the Dead might be involved here, or the perpetrator might have unknowingly acted on behalf of their ancestors.

Cauda Draconis is indicative of pure, seething hatred. Those with this figure appearing in the 8th House likely suffered much more sudden and direct effects than those with Rubeus or Tristitia, which can both go unnoticed for some time. The intent was to actively harm and hurt the querent. As such, care should be taken to not only rid the querent of the eye, but also to protect them further against earthly dangers and enemies.

Carcer indicates a wish to isolate the querent, and to trap them in a hell of their own making. The perpetrator might have wished for revenge, or for the querent's own bad habits to catch up to them. This can happen when the querent is an especially lucky person despite their shortcomings, or someone who has gained their success through the people they know rather than through hard work.

Positive figures carry their own connotations as to why the perpetrator has cast the Eye; Fortuna Major means a wish to isolate the querent, Acquisitio to place a burden upon them, Populus indicates that the caster's intent is to further a narrative shared amongst a particular group, etc...

If the figure of the 8th House moves to another, it should be considered as another motivating factor for which the Eye has been cast and can help to pinpoint the perpetrator; in the 2nd, it indicates a matter of money and possessions, in the 4th a matter of property or family, in the 9th a matter of academics, etc... If the Judge indicates that the Eye has not been contracted, but the negative figure of the 8th House moves to another, it can indicate the area of the querent's life in which the curse has taken hold. If the figure is positive and moves to another House, it indicates the background of the perpetrator or the "place from which they cast"; in the 11th a coworker, in the 3rd a neighbor, in the 10th a superior, in the 9th a fellow student or religious figure, etc...

The House of Saturn

The 12th House should be consulted if the rest of the chart is inconclusive; this House indicates the hidden factors at play, or any blockages that came with the Eye to ensure the querent cannot solve the situation easily. This can happen when the caster's spirits get involved, or when the Eye was cast by accident, in which case the chart would have difficulty pinpointing the reasoning and intent behind it. Whatever figure appears here is indicative of what is hidden within the situation, and its inverse should be considered the means to elucidate the matter. If Albus appears here, then a Puerile attitude of simply destroying the Eye is best. If Acquisitio, then spirits of Water should be consulted, and magical baths utilized to remove the spiritual grime obscuring your divination. If Puella, offerings of blood or liquor should be made to Chthonic spirits, and inversely, should Rubeus appear, offerings of crafts and valuables should be made to spirits of the Air in exchange for uncovering the cause of this Evil Eye.

If a malefic figure appears here, you should utilize everything at your disposal to rid the querent of the Eye, without pushing the question further.

For a general introduction at Geomancy, I would recommend John Michael Greer’s The Art and Practice of Geomancy, as well as courses and articles by both Dr. Alexander Cummins and Sam Block.

For materia to un-do the Evil Eye and crossed conditions, I would recommend our Oil and Bag of the Prick-Eye, as well as our Décroisé Uncrossing Oil. I also offer a service to remove the Evil Eye or crossed conditions and to impart general blessings for success, health, and luck.




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