Fixed Star Vega Dressing Dust


Vega is the Swooping Vulture, the oft-vampiric Witchmother of the Behenian Fixed Stars rivaling the Necromantic Wing of Corvus in her knowledge of the arts magical. Even so, she is benefic, and willing to aid those who call upon her with a stern but patient temperament. She if of Venus and of Mercury, after all. Vega is a star of plenty, like many of the Behenii, but she is also a fierce protector against enchantment and maleficia, as well as a teacher in those arts. She grants the gifts of greatness, of protection against wicked spirits, of power over beasts, of artistic and magical inspiration, and of dominion over spirits and people alike. Hermes says of Vega that "Savory juice with an equal amount of the herb called fumitory and with a little of the stone called turonso, etc. grants favor with beasts, protects from scabies, that is, against demons, nocturnal phantoms, and fears." This star makes a great ally to the witch, and especially to the one who works with spirits of a fickle nature; it makes one powerful in life and in spirit, and increases one's influence through their word and through their art. It endows the tongue with the ability to charm and to appeal to gods, demons, and spirits, while granting protection against the same. As such, it enhances one's ability for magic and spirit communion. Nigel Jackson, in his Celestial Magic interprets Vega's effect as "[...]promoting self-esteem, magnanimity and pride[...]".

The Fixed Star Vega Dressing Dust is a powder of influence and of power over spirits, but also one which guards against their ill-influence and maleficia in general. It contains a variety of herbal and mineral allies aligned to the star of the Vulture, including Fumitory, Succory root, Myrrh resin, roasted flour, powdered Chrysolite, and powdered Coriander seed. It was ensorcelled and filled with virtue by talismanic consecration beneath the star's rays, along with ritual fumigation and asperging, but it was also placed upon the altar of the Winter Mother, upon which it was ensorccelled, charmed, and blessed by the Cut-Wife herself, as it is by her request that this collection was chosen as our first Fixed Star collection of 2024.

This powder is the condensed essence of the Fixed Star Vega collection, and contains a sparse portion of both the oil and tincture, making it the most all-encompassing part of this collection. It may be used to line the home or the ritual circle for protection against ill-spirits and maleficia, added to baths prior to ritual, or to protect against curses, or boiled into a floor wash for the same. It can also be used as the base for charms or talismans, as well as ritual vessels of Vega and her spirits, or used to trace her sigil upon the workspace prior to rites of devotion or sorcery. It may also be placed in the shoes or in the pockets for protection, to bolster self-esteem, to dominate over spirits and people alike, or to grant magical inspiration during meditation and trance work. You may also infuse this powder into oil or alcohol to create your own ritual oil or attuning tincture, although these may have to be elected as talismans once more before being ready for use. This powder can of course be used to dress candles, vigils, and oil lamps of Vega to grant dominion over spirits, to receive protection against spirits and maleficia, or to gain renown through one's craft.

For more information on our Fixed Star Vega collection, see our full write-up right over here.

20ml vials. Sold as curio. Not intended for medicinal use.

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Vega is the Swooping Vulture, the oft-vampiric Witchmother of the Behenian Fixed Stars rivaling the Necromantic Wing of Corvus in her knowledge of the arts magical. Even so, she is benefic, and willing to aid those who call upon her with a stern but patient temperament. She if of Venus and of Mercury, after all. Vega is a star of plenty, like many of the Behenii, but she is also a fierce protector against enchantment and maleficia, as well as a teacher in those arts. She grants the gifts of greatness, of protection against wicked spirits, of power over beasts, of artistic and magical inspiration, and of dominion over spirits and people alike. Hermes says of Vega that "Savory juice with an equal amount of the herb called fumitory and with a little of the stone called turonso, etc. grants favor with beasts, protects from scabies, that is, against demons, nocturnal phantoms, and fears." This star makes a great ally to the witch, and especially to the one who works with spirits of a fickle nature; it makes one powerful in life and in spirit, and increases one's influence through their word and through their art. It endows the tongue with the ability to charm and to appeal to gods, demons, and spirits, while granting protection against the same. As such, it enhances one's ability for magic and spirit communion. Nigel Jackson, in his Celestial Magic interprets Vega's effect as "[...]promoting self-esteem, magnanimity and pride[...]".

The Fixed Star Vega Dressing Dust is a powder of influence and of power over spirits, but also one which guards against their ill-influence and maleficia in general. It contains a variety of herbal and mineral allies aligned to the star of the Vulture, including Fumitory, Succory root, Myrrh resin, roasted flour, powdered Chrysolite, and powdered Coriander seed. It was ensorcelled and filled with virtue by talismanic consecration beneath the star's rays, along with ritual fumigation and asperging, but it was also placed upon the altar of the Winter Mother, upon which it was ensorccelled, charmed, and blessed by the Cut-Wife herself, as it is by her request that this collection was chosen as our first Fixed Star collection of 2024.

This powder is the condensed essence of the Fixed Star Vega collection, and contains a sparse portion of both the oil and tincture, making it the most all-encompassing part of this collection. It may be used to line the home or the ritual circle for protection against ill-spirits and maleficia, added to baths prior to ritual, or to protect against curses, or boiled into a floor wash for the same. It can also be used as the base for charms or talismans, as well as ritual vessels of Vega and her spirits, or used to trace her sigil upon the workspace prior to rites of devotion or sorcery. It may also be placed in the shoes or in the pockets for protection, to bolster self-esteem, to dominate over spirits and people alike, or to grant magical inspiration during meditation and trance work. You may also infuse this powder into oil or alcohol to create your own ritual oil or attuning tincture, although these may have to be elected as talismans once more before being ready for use. This powder can of course be used to dress candles, vigils, and oil lamps of Vega to grant dominion over spirits, to receive protection against spirits and maleficia, or to gain renown through one's craft.

For more information on our Fixed Star Vega collection, see our full write-up right over here.

20ml vials. Sold as curio. Not intended for medicinal use.

Vega is the Swooping Vulture, the oft-vampiric Witchmother of the Behenian Fixed Stars rivaling the Necromantic Wing of Corvus in her knowledge of the arts magical. Even so, she is benefic, and willing to aid those who call upon her with a stern but patient temperament. She if of Venus and of Mercury, after all. Vega is a star of plenty, like many of the Behenii, but she is also a fierce protector against enchantment and maleficia, as well as a teacher in those arts. She grants the gifts of greatness, of protection against wicked spirits, of power over beasts, of artistic and magical inspiration, and of dominion over spirits and people alike. Hermes says of Vega that "Savory juice with an equal amount of the herb called fumitory and with a little of the stone called turonso, etc. grants favor with beasts, protects from scabies, that is, against demons, nocturnal phantoms, and fears." This star makes a great ally to the witch, and especially to the one who works with spirits of a fickle nature; it makes one powerful in life and in spirit, and increases one's influence through their word and through their art. It endows the tongue with the ability to charm and to appeal to gods, demons, and spirits, while granting protection against the same. As such, it enhances one's ability for magic and spirit communion. Nigel Jackson, in his Celestial Magic interprets Vega's effect as "[...]promoting self-esteem, magnanimity and pride[...]".

The Fixed Star Vega Dressing Dust is a powder of influence and of power over spirits, but also one which guards against their ill-influence and maleficia in general. It contains a variety of herbal and mineral allies aligned to the star of the Vulture, including Fumitory, Succory root, Myrrh resin, roasted flour, powdered Chrysolite, and powdered Coriander seed. It was ensorcelled and filled with virtue by talismanic consecration beneath the star's rays, along with ritual fumigation and asperging, but it was also placed upon the altar of the Winter Mother, upon which it was ensorccelled, charmed, and blessed by the Cut-Wife herself, as it is by her request that this collection was chosen as our first Fixed Star collection of 2024.

This powder is the condensed essence of the Fixed Star Vega collection, and contains a sparse portion of both the oil and tincture, making it the most all-encompassing part of this collection. It may be used to line the home or the ritual circle for protection against ill-spirits and maleficia, added to baths prior to ritual, or to protect against curses, or boiled into a floor wash for the same. It can also be used as the base for charms or talismans, as well as ritual vessels of Vega and her spirits, or used to trace her sigil upon the workspace prior to rites of devotion or sorcery. It may also be placed in the shoes or in the pockets for protection, to bolster self-esteem, to dominate over spirits and people alike, or to grant magical inspiration during meditation and trance work. You may also infuse this powder into oil or alcohol to create your own ritual oil or attuning tincture, although these may have to be elected as talismans once more before being ready for use. This powder can of course be used to dress candles, vigils, and oil lamps of Vega to grant dominion over spirits, to receive protection against spirits and maleficia, or to gain renown through one's craft.

For more information on our Fixed Star Vega collection, see our full write-up right over here.

20ml vials. Sold as curio. Not intended for medicinal use.