Utilizing Magical Oils in Witchcraft and Magic

Magical oils have long been used in magical traditions, from the ancient Babylonians to the Hoodoo practitioners of the southern United States, oils have been a crucial item used in magic since time immemorial. Oil is a vehicle of magical power, much like water and alcohol; it is one of the three primordial solvents. It is important to note that within Alchemical practice the Mercury of a plant, or its condensed spiritual power, is considered to be its essential oil. Magical oils are typically crafted from dry plant material as well as a base oil, of which Olive is the most traditional. By infusing the essence and spirit of a plant into oil, we are essentially extracting its Mercury, its spiritual power, and its Spirit, allowing it to take on a new form which may be better suited to our purpose. Such oils, now containing the essence of whatever plant extracted, may be used to affect the world around us by means of sympathetic magic, candle work, contagion, or anointing. They may be utilized in rites of divination, as conduits, fluid condensers, or scrying mediums. They may be applied topically and internally to grant a temporary boon to the user, or to further attune them to certain energies, such as those of celestial bodies, plant allies, or those of certain spirits. The aim of this short article is to expound and elaborate on the different techniques and methods I personally employ in my craft, in the hopes to inspire those looking to get extra mileage out of their magical oils.

The use of oil often requires consecration and activation. This is less-so for those oils blessed and empowered recently, as they still carry the charge and energy of the original consecration. However, like most magical objects, this energy dissipates slowly over time. This effect of decay is quintessential to the use of oils, for it is what allows the energies and powers contained therein to imbibe our being and our reality. As such, I find it important to 'wake' magical oils each time I use them. This serves to empower the oil once more, and to activate the energies and charge which were initially conferred upon it.

Before we continue, I'd like to explore the difference between devotional and talismanic oils. Devotional oils are those which are meant to please a particular spirit, deity, or celestial body. These oils may be used as offerings unto those spirits, but they can also serve as conduit for the powers of those to which they are devoted. As such, they may be used to 'link' the power of a spirit or celestial body to spellwork, and to the self, by act of contagion. They serve as a means of manifestation for the powers called upon. For example, one may wish to bless a parcel to reach its destination quickly and safely by petitioning Saint Expedite, and then anointing the parcel itself with Oil of Saint Expedite to ensure that his power is directly channeled towards it. Devotional oils need simply be presented to the spirit within ritual and prayer. Talismanic oils are slightly different, and typically require a certain act to enliven them and let their power shine. Talismanic oils are those which were empowered and consecrated within ritual, and tasked with a specific charge. They are the same as devotional oils in that they bear the powers and virtues of the materia used in their concoction, with the difference of being a 'snapshot' of a certain celestial event, or distilled experience. The consecrated oil, in this case, becomes a potent attractor of the virtues which we desire. You may wish to create an oil for prosperity, and so you would select the worts and materia which most closely align with the virtue of prosperity, and empower it within ritual to take into itself the powers of prosperity and bounty. To ensure it is able to absorb those virtues properly, you would then leave this oil in a cashbox, or in a bowl filled with currency and gemstones. By doing so, the oil is able to absorb the powers and virtues intrinsically tied to the money surrounding it, and then 'filter' it by shifting its energetic patterns to more closely resemble those of the materia used. The oil is then able to release this curated power through its use in ritual or spellwork. The charge of this configuration, however, decays and wanes as time goes on, and as such, we must feed it through incantation and intent when we wish to use it within a magical setting. This need not be complicated; simply warming the oil between the palms and clapping loudly three times is a simple way to do so. Visualization may also be used by seeing the oil filling with a bright light, the color of which aligns with its task. You may also empower and enliven the oil through the recitation of charms or incantations, or through breath. The ringing of a bell or rattle may be used to rouse the spirit within. Here follows the technique by which I prefer to empower and enliven my oils. Although it is a bit more extensive than the simple ritual gestures I just mentioned, I find that this method allows for a deeper penetration of the mysteries of the oleum, which will then allow the oil to serve us better. As all magic is an exchange, the oil is willing to penetrate our reality as much as we are willing to penetrate its mystery.

As I imagine this charm is most likely to be performed within a larger ritual context, I assume you will have already opened your mind and aligned yourself with the powers at hand, and so you may forgo the initial centering exercises and jump straight into the incantation. For those wishing to utilize oils outside of a purely ritualistic context, I will be expanding upon this charm as if it were a standalone exercise.

Ad Exsuscita Spirituum Olea

Begin by centering yourself, becoming aware of the cardinals, fixed stars, constellations, or directions surrounding you. Place yourself at the center of them all, for as you do so you are placing yourself at the center of the cosmos. Relax, and picture a small star above your head, shining brightly, but not projecting any light. Maintain this image as you pour a small amount of oil into your dexterous palm, which you should cover with the other hand. The star above your head slowly descends through the crown, the eyes, and the throat, before resting within your heart. Light emanates from it now, filling your chest cavity with a brilliant light, the color of which corresponds with the oil in your palm. Do not actively seek to change its color, it will take on the shade best reflective of the task at hand. Focus on your breathing; each time you inhale, the light within your chest expands and glows brighter, and with each exhale, it condenses once again, gaining in saturation. You will know that it is ready when the color saturates your perception of breath. Inhale once more, filling your lungs until you cannot hold any more air, and breathe this light directly onto the oil contained in your palm. Repeat this as many times as you'd like; I prefer sets of three. Once the oil feels saturated with breath, with life and spirit, recite the following charm:

"Awaken, awaken, awaken,

Spirit of Oil, Spirit of (insert purpose of oil ex: love, prosperity, etc...),

I rouse you by serpent's hiss, by dove's wing,

By stellar light, and chthonic darkness,

I rouse you, that you may accomplish the task at hand,

That you may live and breathe as all beings do,

To serve me and my work,

To imbibe the fabric of fate and life itself,

To (insert your goal in using this oil),

And grant me that which I desire,


If you wish to anoint an item with your now empowered oil, rub it between your palms, and clap thrice. Anoint the item, and rub the remainder into your skin, or into the target of the spell if performing magic for another. You may also choose to simply keep the oil on your hands, and refrain from touching anything before making contact with the person or object which you wish to affect. If you are pouring the oil out, using it as a fluid condenser to scry, or to bless an area, ring a bell or snap your fingers above it.

The most common way to use oils nowadays is to anoint a candle, or a set of candles with it, and to light them to achieve a particular goal. Within this setting, the duration of the burn is very important, for a small candle will offer quick results with a burst of energy, while a taller, thicker candle will slowly release or build the potencies desired over a longer period of time. This latter method requires programming the candle to either release its energy as it burns, or to build it up until its flame is incapable of burning. When employing an oil to confer a specific task and charge to a candle, it is important to awaken both its spirit, as well as the spirit of the candle. The candle becomes a pillar of manifestation, its body melting away and releasing energy through its flame, but the oil becomes the tool and task of this body. As such, we must direct the potencies present towards a particular goal through the use of petition and prayer. I always prefer anointing both the wick, the body, and the petition placed beneath it with the same oil. Sometimes I will employ multiple oils, using similar yet different oils on each of theses 'organs' of the candle to bring more nuance to the work. In such a way, a candle for uncrossing finances can be anointed at the wick with a blockbuster oil, the body with wealth and prosperity oil, and the petition with blessing oil. This ensures that all blockages are removed before we begin attracting the wealth and prosperity desired, which will then be blessed and stabilized by the addition of blessing oil. This allows us to fine-tune the results of our candle work, and ensures powerful magic is afoot. I could write volumes on candle magic, and so I'll quit while I'm ahead, but I will definitely writing some more on the topic.

I will leave you with this last incantation, meant to be used when preparing a candle with magical oils. Recite it while massaging the candle with the oils chosen. Keep in mind yet again that this is reflective of my own personal practice, and that you may substitute the mention of Mary Magdalene and Jesus with another myth. You may omit and edit as you wish.

"I anoint your head, your body, and your feet,

Such as Mary had the Shepherd,

That you complete the work asked of you,

That you shine your grace upon us,

And that you fulfill our desires.

I anoint your head with this spirit of (insert purpose),

That you may (insert need).

I anoint your body with this spirit of (insert purpose),

That you may (insert need).

I anoint your spirit with this spirit of (insert purpose),

That you may (insert need).

As She had anointed Him, I anoint you,

That you shine your light upon us and deliver us our petition,

That you may (insert petition).



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