Venus in Libra

Venus in Libra is a potent magic. The planet of love finds herself in the sociable and agreeable sign of Libra, where she makes her home. Here, the planet is at her most generous, granting joie-de-vivre and romance to those below her rays. Venus finds herself elevated by Libra; the timid, receptive planet now actively seeks to create connection. Her appreciation for beauty now becomes the performed expression of the same — Venus in Libra seeks to regale and captivate by design and grace, whether through art or her own carefully curated sense of aesthetic.

She is the socialite, going from group to group to get the latest gossip, discuss private affairs, and perhaps break a few hearts. Venus in Libra is made desirable not by her social disposition, but her charm and natural ability to connect with others. Her sense of aesthetic is expressive and personal, making her stand out among a crowd, yet she is approachable and easygoing.

Use Venus in Libra materia to acquire love, to excite romance, to make new friendships, to charm and regale, to better connect to others. Use it to inspire creativity in the visual arts, as well as all things which appeal by their sense of aesthetic. Venus in Libra materia can be used to attune to the planet in its domicile, taking on the qualities it expresses.

Our Venus in Libra formulation is one that would be considered 'hot' by magical standards. It serves to excite and incite the passions, to forge bonds, to bolster confidence and Venusian qualities, and to influence those around it. It contains a variety of worts chosen for their elemental and planetary qualities, while taking into consideration the lore surrounding each.

This materia may also be used to complement less-than-lovely Venus placements such as Capricorn and Scorpio.

Plant Spirits: Dame's Rocket, Damiana, Lady's Mantle, Marigold, Anise, Orange, Rosemary, Valerian, Juniper.