Fixed Star Spica β€” The Star of the Spike

β€˜Tis the season of the Reaping; that of the Harvest. The time has come to fill the granary, to carve the Ox. Ceres, arms outstretched, offers us her ultimate gift, that of abundance and prosperity for the months to come. Upon the wings of Emerald-robed Hameliel the rays of the fixed star Spica descend upon us to confer blessing in wealth, and prosperity; to teach us the arts of spinning and decoction, which will keep us safe through the dark half of the year. May its light banish scarcity and strife; grant us our last comfort before the reign of the Winter Mother.

Spica is Ceres' gift to mankind, that of ease and excellence. She is a star of harvest and abundance, signifying the time to reap and thresh the season's grain. Here in the prairies, she marks the time when Flax is taken from the fields and carded for fiber. She rises before the Sun as the leaves turn to shades of brown, yellow and red, as wildlife begins to prepare for the coming of frost. Spica is the last of Ceres' gift to us before her annual mourning of Proserpine's descent to the Underworld; she brings us abundance through the dark months, when grain and preserves become the staples of our diets.

Spica is considered to be one of the 15 Behenian Fixed Stars, each of which holds power capable of altering the tides of Earthly life. These stars have long been invoked in acts of sorcery, their rays captured and distilled within various talismans and medicines for the sake of enacting change on behalf of those with the knowledge to wield their power. She is the indicator for the 14th Mansion of the Moon, Al-Simak, who rules over romantic love, friendship, relocation, healing, travel, and agriculture, though it also rules over the dissolution of such bonds. In modern times, Al-Simak spreads from 24Libra to 4Scorpio.

Of Spica, Hermes says that "sage juice with trefoil, periwinkle, wormwood and mandrake placed (beneath a ring of Emerald) will increase gold, accumulate riches, bring victory in lawsuits, and free men from evil and anguish." By some, she is said to hold the virtues of Mars and Venus, thus granting her power over lust and romance. Others claim that she is of Mercury and Venus instead, reflecting the duality of the star's dominion over love and wealth both. Her talisman is said to be made in the form of a bird carrying a sheaf of wheat, above a man laden with merchandise, and it is said that this talisman is fit to increase personal wealth, to resolve conflicts and divisions, and to deliver one from scarcity, poverty, and ill-luck.

According to the Picatrix, the talisman of Al-Simak takes the form of a dog biting its own tail, and should be fumigated with the hair of a dog and that of a cat to cause the separation of husband and wife, assumedly beneath a waning Moon. Nigel Jackson, however, states that spells performed beneath a waxing Moon of Al-Simak are appropriate for the increase of personal wealth, friendship, and conjugal love, whereas those performed under a waning Moon of Al-Simak are appropriate for the separation of partners, and for rousing inappropriate desires. He also states that Lunar water-scrying is best performed under the rays of this Mansion.

In the natal chart, Spica indicates a gift unique to the native; something which is worth sharing with the world, and which will bring recognition and fortune to those born under her rays. She encourages the appreciation of others for the talents of the native, and brings fame and respect to the skill they hold. Though this is commonly understood to be an ease and natural talent for the arts, it would be more appropriate to refer to her blessing as that of genius. Spica brings out of the native that which could never be born of another; the sum of every curse and blessing, of every joy and strife, which together amount to beauty which could only be born of the complexity of a rich inner life. Those born under the star of the Spike hold an affinity for excellence and achievement which few could obtain through work and dedication.

These are the virtues our Fixed Star Spica materia espouses; those of excellence, of abundance, of genius, of connection, of wealth, and of recognition. Compounded following our annual rite of veneration of the Virgin's Spike, this materia was ensorcelled and empowered through various techniques both ceremonial and ecstatic as Spica reached the highest point of Heaven. Trefoil, Oatstraw, Desert Sage, Frost Sage, Garden Sage, Mugwort, Chicory, Rye, Barley, and European Mandrake each lend their spirits to this work, along with mineral spirits of Copper, Silver, and Gold. Over the course of a week, the star-daemon of Spica, Hameliel, was conjured to empower and consecrate these offerings to bear the virtues of Spica in all her glory. Through fumigations, anointings, and aspergations, the emerald-green rays of the star were captured within these formulas to lend their power to the witch or magician who would wield them.

Each of these offerings includes instruction for their use, including invocations, charms, and procedures to reap the harvest presented by the Fixed Star Spica.

Fixed Star Spica Oil; The Bird

Buckeye Amulet; Fixed Star Spica

Alpha Virginis; Fixed Star Vega Fixed Candle

Fixed Star Spica Oil; The Merchant

Fixed Star Spica Ritual Vessels

Fixed Star Spica Dressing Powder