To craft a lamp of Kleidochos
This lamp is something I’ve already shared over on Instagram, although I felt it was time to go into more details regarding its consecration and use, as my methods have evolved throughout my relationship with it. Here I will go over the creation and consecration of the lamp itself; you can read about my money-drawing variation over on my Patreon!
Whereas I was quite vague with the instructions in the past, in this article I instead choose to share the exact method I applied to the creation of this lamp, including my personal touches and preferred prayers and consecrations.
To craft this lamp you will need:
-A vessel; whether a silver, brass, or ceramic pot, lamp oil, or cream pitcher (which I opted for)
-Wick; I recommend twisting multiple pieces of loose cotton thread together to make a robust wick, but my friend recently turned me onto Orthodox oil wicks, and they’ve been working wonders for me.
-Good quality Olive oil
-A road-opening oil of choice; I used Kleidochos Oil, and am currently feeding my lamp with Mercury’s Open Roads oil.
-Three mice bones
-Three flat-headed pins
-Three Broom blossoms
-Road-opening herbs or powders of choice; I prefer to work with Mercury’s Open Road powder.
-A skeleton key; it’s best for this to have been consecrated by burying it in crossroads dirt, but this is optional.
-A piece of Red Jasper; mine was collected locally.
-A rotary tool; if you do not wish to engrave your vessel, opt for inscribing the 5th Pentacle of Mercury on a piece of parchment fitting the width of your vessel.
In the day and hour of Mercury, I washed my vessel with holy water before fumigating it with Desert Sage, collected locally. To this vessel I whispered, ‘Be now a vessel for the lamp of my desires to burn brightly and strong; attract that which is offered unto you.’ I then engraved the 5th Pentacle of Mercury at its bottom, consecrating it in the traditional manner. I prayed Psalm 23 over the vessel, and set it aside.
“The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters,
he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.”
I sprinkled holy water onto the bones, pins, and broom blossoms, stating their tasks as I did so. To the bones: ‘May you run along and chew through the pockets of those blocking my path, that they may be without tools or coin; pester them until they turn back.’ To the pins: ‘Prick and prod at each and every thing standing in my way, that the road ahead may be clear of obstacles.’ To the Broom: ‘Holy wort of Mars, virile warrior, fragrant bloom; as your bright flowers illuminate the hillside at the coming of Aries, breaking through the darkened bramble of your limbs, break through the obstacles standing ahead of me, and make me driven and successful.’ These were each added to the vessel in turn.
I anointed my skeleton key with Kleidochos oil, reciting the Orphic Hymn to Hekate, followed by a short chant honouring this aspect of the Goddess.
“Hekate Einodia, Trioditis [Trivia], lovely dame, of earthly, watery, and celestial frame, sepulchral, in a saffron veil arrayed, pleased with dark ghosts that wander through the shade; Perseis (daughter of Perses), solitary goddess, hail! The world’s key-bearer, never doomed to fail; in stags rejoicing, huntress, nightly seen, and drawn by bulls, unconquerable queen; Leader, Nymphe, nurse, on mountains wandering, hear the suppliants who with holy rites thy power revere, and to the herdsman with a favouring mind draw near.
This was repeated until the key began to buzz, and it was then added to the vessel — pointing towards its spout.
Kleidochos oil was added to the vessel; three drops in each cardinal direction, left to drip down the sides and into the ingredients held beneath the key.
On top of this key, I laid the Red Jasper, asking it: ‘Hold down the blessings which flow my way along the four roads; do not let them leave me.’
Everything was covered with Olive oil, and the wick was set the burn. ‘As long as this flame burns, may my desires come to me as a moth to the flame, as a river to the sea, as a salmon upstream, as a bear to honey. Holy torch of Hekate, illuminate the night, clear the path ahead, that I may travel them with ease, and that that which I attract face no obstacle on its way. Amen.’
The lamp thus made can be used in a variety of ways, depending on your needs. Generally, I place this lamp on my working altar and light it each time I perform spellwork, repeating the small prayer recited when lighting the flame for the first time. When something feels more stuck than usual, or I am actively performing road-opening work, I will also place my Mercury’s Open Roads charm beneath it. You can place any petitions you are working with beneath the lamp, better yet if they are written on the back of a 5th or 2nd Pentacle of Mercury. I have also found that the light of this lamp is especially good for scrying practice when reflected in a concave mirror.
To feed the lamp:
Feeding the lamp is simple; once it gets dirty, or too sooty, leave it lit until most of the oil is gone, and your ingredients are no longer covered with it. Empty everything out onto a piece of tissue or paper towel, and blot dry. Clean the vessel with warm, soapy water, scrubbing any patinaed areas with a scouring pad. Polish the vessel, and wash it down with holy water, Hoyt’s cologne, or Florida water. Sprinkle your ingredients with holy water, repeating a version of the task given to them when initially creating the lamp. If your Broom has wilted past the point of saving it, replace it with three dried flowers. Add everything back in, done as above, although without needing to repeat the hymn or chant.
Spray the lamp down with whiskey, Florida water, vodka, or tobacco cologne, stating that you feed the lamp with this liquor so that it may be refreshed and continue to work on your behalf to open all roads at your request. You may also choose to pass the lamp through the smoke of Frankincense and Mastic, or that of Tobacco, again stating that you are feeding it for the sake of opening the roads ahead for as long as it burns.
This is the time to add anything that will increase the lamp’s potency, should you notice that it isn’t working as well as you wish it to. If you notice that your lamp is encountering difficulties opening certain roads, add a High John the Conqueror root. If your lamp is encountering difficulties opening the roads to a certain establishment, such as a workplace or school, — yet again, a lover’s home — add dirt collected from the four corners of the property. If you wish to use your lamp for scrying, but find that it doesn’t do much more than regular candle flame, add oils of divination, or a hagstone. Things worth adding to the lamp if you need more oomph are dirt from 7 different crossroads, or from the largest cross of a cemetery, as well as an unlocked padlock, a broken chain, or a stick of Abre Camino.
Repeat the anointing of the lamp with Kleidochos or Mercury’s Open Road oil, and cover your curios with good quality olive oil. Pass this once more through incense or Tobacco smoke, and light the wick as above. Your lamp is good as new, and stronger than it was!
To learn how to use this lamp to draw money and material wealth, check out the second half of this article on Patreon.