Feast of Saint Expedite Ritual Recap

Oh Saint Expedite, who didst receive from the Lord the crown of righteousness which He has promised to those who love Him, pray for me.

Saint Expedite, invincible warrior of the Faith, pray for me.

Saint Expedite, faithful unto death, pray for me.

Saint Expedite, patron of youth, pray for me.

Saint Expedite, help of scholars, pray for me.

Saint Expedite, protector of travelers, pray for me.

Saint Expedite, advocate of sinners, pray for me.

Saint Expedite, salvation of the sick, pray for me.

Saint Expedite, model soldier, pray for me.

Saint Expedite, mediator of lawsuits, pray for me.

Saint Expedite, helper in urgent matters, pray for me.

Saint Expedite, slayer of procrastination, pray for me.

Saint Expedite, faithful supporter of those who have hope in you, pray for me.

Saint Expedite, I beg, do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today, come to my assistance.

On April 19th, I had the pleasure of celebrating the Feast of Saint Expedite once again -- an occasion which I look forward to every year. I began the day by brewing a batch of my Saint Expedite bath and taking a good soak before wiping down my workspace with the remainder. I then set myself to the task of baking my famous Expedite Poundcake, the recipe for which can be found right here, as offerings for the Feast as well as for future petitions. The celebrations did not begin on the 19th however, as I spent the eight days prior performing a novena to bless and consecrate a new statue to Saint Expedite. This novena was concluded as I pulled the poundcake out of the oven, at which point divination was performed to ensure that the statue was properly ensouled and ready to be worked with, results of which came back positive!

Expedite was dressed with the Rosaries of Flame and Earth, draped onto his frame, as a fixed skull bead was placed at his feet along with a small medal of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Expedite was placed atop a bed of Crow feathers, collected from local farmland, with a royal flush of diamonds propped against his feet. To his right, a glass of water, and to his left, a bottle of local bourbon; before him, a candelabra holding six beeswax tapers dipped and consecrated on the eve of Imbolc, each dressed with Oil of Saint Expedite and Dust of the Quickened Foot. A Road-Opener Taper was placed to his right, surrounded by three Rabbits' feet consecrated during the making of our Open Roads Talismans (restock coming in June by the by!). Offerings of fresh roses were placed besides his water, and a whole, fresh poundcake was placed besides his bourbon. Our Three-Way Hot Luck Talismans were then arranged before him, followed by our petitions and personal offerings of light and poundcake.

I opened the ritual by praying the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be, following this with my personal prayers to Saint Expedite, as well as a selection of prayers taken from Denise M. Alvarado's lovely The Conjurer's Guide to Saint Expedite, which I cannot recommend enough. In particular, the Litany to Saint Expedite was repeated three time over, followed with seven repetitions of Psalm 23. Heartfelt prayers were pronounced on behalf of each participant, with offerings presented to Expedite in their name as their petition was read aloud and anointed with Oil of Saint Expedite, Fast Cash Oil (where appropriate), and dressed with Dust of the Quickened Foot and Powder of the Spindle. A rosary was then pronounced for each of the petitions using the rosary dedicated to my Ancestors, so that they may join their prayers to ours. Of course, they were also offered poundcake, coffee, and liquor separately.

My personal petition to Expedite has already been fulfilled, for which I thank him endlessly. I encourage you to publicly recognize his intercession in your life when your own petition has been fulfilled, and to invoke his aid in all matters through prayer and ritual. If you are looking to work with Saint Expedite, we offer a variety of materia dedicated to this Saint of Urgency in the shop, and have a few articles concerning sorcerous work with him over on the blog.

May he continue to bless us and our endeavors in the year to come, and may his following continue to grow and multiply. Avé!




Part One; At The River's Bend I Call You As You Are


The Winter Mother’s Basket — Foraging Tasks for the Dark Half of the Year