Aldebaran: Lord of Enmity - To Cause Separation

Like most Celestial spirits, Aldebaran is a complex, every shifting fractal, showing facets according to the great kaleidoscope of the Skies. When the Moon shifts to dark, Aldebaran shows the darkness the sages of old described in their texts.

According to the Ghayat Al-Hakim, or Picatrix, as the Moon visited the Mansion of her fourth consort, Aldebaran, an image of red wax could be formed to cause the separation of a man and his wife, or yet again the disdain of an employer for an employee.

‘The fourth mansion is called Aldebaran. It begins at 8 degrees 34 minutes and 2 seconds of Taurus and ends at 21 degrees 25 minutes and 44 seconds of the same sign. In this Mansion make images for the destruction of cities and villages and for any other building which you wish not to endure, so that it proceeds to destruction, and to make a lord despise his servant, and to place discord between man and wife, and to destroy fountains, streams, and those that seek treasures underground, and to kill and bind all reptiles and venomous animals.’
— The Complete Picatrix, translated and annotated by John Michael Greer and Christopher Warnock, Adocentyn Press, 2010
‘The fourth Mansion is Aldabaran, and it is for the creation of enmity . When the Moon has passed around to this Mansion, take red wax and from it fashion the image of an armed man riding a cavalry horse holding a serpent in his right hand. Cense this image with red myrrh and storax, and say: You, Assarez, do such and such a thing and fulfill my request; and make your request from things appertaining to enmity, separation and the creation of evil desires. And it shall be completely as you have asked. And know that Assarez is the name of the lord of this Mansion.’
— The Complete Picatrix, translated and annotated by John Michael Greer and Christopher Warnock, Adocentyn Press, 2010

After the release of our Aldebaran offerings and working with the spirit to break through blockages, set up protections, and draw wealth, I decided to sit down and reach out to the spirit of Aldebaran and ask to be inspired as to how to work with him during a waning moon. After reaching out through my personal Pouch, the following method, along with some for bursting through blockages and protection.

To cause separation

During a waning Moon, when Aldebaran is rising (that is, when the 6th degree of Gemini rises, for the modern placement) set four candles to burn at each the end of each arm of an equal-armed 'X' marked on a table or plate, thus creating the sigil of Aldebaran. Each candle should be marked with the sigil, and placed so that its glyph is facing inwards.

On a small plate, washed with war water or cleansed otherwise, (or using the liquor from this post!) place two stones and anoint them with Oil of Aldebaran. Mark them with the sigil of the Star.

Begin dripping red wax onto the stones, and when the stones are covered, roll them in a mixture of thistle, best collected in the hours of Mars, and dirt from both sides of a fence. For a particularly nasty separation, include sulfur or saltpeter.

Tie to each of these balls the photo or name paper of the husband and wife, employer and employee, or friends to be separated. These should also be marked with the sigil and anointed with the oil if you'd like. Strong jute is recommended for this, but any string will do. Make sure to wrap away from yourself.

Call on Aldebaran, either through your own words or through the call of Aldebaran supplied with the Aldebaran Oil and Pouch, and ask for the separation of the two. You can also use the Hymn to Astron, inserting the name Aldebaran where appropriate:

With holy voice I call the star (name of the star) on high, pure sacred lights and genii of the sky.

Celestial stars, the progeny of Night, in whirling circles beaming far your light,

Refulgent rays around the heavens ye throw, eternal fires, the source of all below.

With flames significant of Fate ye shine, and aptly rule for men a path divine.

In seven bright zones ye run with wandering flames, and heaven and earth compose your lucid frames:

With course unwearied, pure and fiery bright forever shining through the veil of Night.

Hail twinkling, joyful, ever wakeful fires! Propitious shine on all my just desires;

These sacred rites regard with conscious rays, and end our works devoted to your praise.

Take the stones, and bury one beneath a large rock. Take the other and throw it across a river. The two parties will be separated, and enmity will be placed between them.




Breaking through obstacles, Aldebaran, Liquor and Popcorn.


Voces Inferi - The Dead Man’s Tongue