A Feast of Jupiter at the Foot of an Ash; Ritual

On February 7th 2022, as a waxing Moon applied a sextile aspect to a culminating, exalted Jupiter from her Taurean domicile, a feast was laid before a Silvered Tree. Gifts of fish, leavened bread, pomegranates, pears, leek, dates, cream, honey, and local beer were offered as the sweet odor of frankincense rose towards the heavens. With it went the inspired poetry of our forebears, the silky prose of Latin verse, and the heartfelt petition of every participant.

These tokens of our appreciation were acknowledged by Jove and his charitable daughters, as a string of prayers were hung upon blessed thread, spun about the limbs of Ash. Cradled within our ally’s roots was a jar of local honey containing the words hung above, enchanted by a talismanic powder of the Greater Benefic.

As the rite proceeded, a quiet, still air became a roaring wind, parting lofty clouds to reveal a sapphirine sky so clear it struck me as an ocean. Above, Mene kept a watchful eye, riding upon the back of a Bull. Suddenly, as if she had caught my gaze, tears of gratitude began to fall from my eyes. A conclusive prayer was uttered to the spirits present, and those who guide my path.

Within the comfort of my home, a light was placed upon Jupiter’s altar for each patron of this rite, dressed in oils and powders of the Benefic. A final repetition of the prayers recited during the feast was spoken aloud, and each flame lit while reciting the name of its patron.

Please find photos of the feast below. It was an absolute pleasure working this rite, and my honor to be able to serve you in this capacity. May our blessings flow!


Kitchen Toad’ Reading List


Feeding the Mouth of a Hungry Bag