Blessed Oil and Bloodied Yolk; Diagnoses of the Evil Eye

The Evil Eye post series:

The Evil Eye; The Envious Blade, being an introduction to the Evil Eye.

Blessed Oil and Bloodied Yolk; Diagnoses of the Eye, being a short resume of techniques to diagnose and remove the Evil Eye. To be made available Wednesday, June 1st.

A Short(ish) Guide to Diagnosing the Evil Eye by Geomancy, being a guide to diagnosing the Eye and finding its perpetrator. Patreon exclusive.

To Rid Yourself of the Eye; a Charm of Hawthorn, being a simple charm to lay the Eye to rest with the recitation of a spoken charm. Patreon exclusive.

Hung and Pierced as the Corpse of Man; Spells of the Dame Hawtorn for the removal of the Eye, being a collection of four techniques to destroy and return the Eye by the work of the Dame Hawthorn. Patreon exclusive.

There are a few methods of diagnosis to confirm whether one is afflicted by the Eye, some more traditional than others. Here I present the three methods by which I prefer to work. Divination by Oil should be performed if a simple 'yes' or 'no' answer is desired. Geomancy can be used if one wishes to confirm the presence of the Eye, to find the perpetrator, and to see if the Eye is affecting any particular part of their life or body. This method will also help to pinpoint the reason for which the Eye was cast. Finally, a simple egg divination can be performed both to confirm if the Evil Eye is present, and to pass it on to another. I typically reserve this last method for after any attempts to cleanse the Eye, to confirm whether or not it was removed. Should you wish to weaponize your affliction, this method can also enable you to pass it on to another, or preserve the Eye to return its effects to the caster.

Divination by Oil

A deep-set plate should be filled with Holy Water, whether Catholic, Orthodox, or Solomonic. Behind it, set and light a white candle anointed with Holy Anointing Oil, or something along the lines of Chase Away Evil oil. Recite the Our Father and three Hail Marys over a small bowl of Olive oil, and add three drops to the water so as to form a triangle at the center of your plate.

If the oil runs to the edge of the plate, the Evil Eye is not upon you. Likewise, if it remains unmoving, you have not been struck by the Eye.

However, if the droplets join together in the middle, the Eye has been cast upon you. If it then drifts to the edge of the plate and dissipates, the Eye was cast on you but is being taken care of by your spirits. If the droplets separate into many more, the Eye has been cast on you by multiple people, and great care should be taken to reverse it, especially if they separate into an inauspicious number. If the drops sink to the bottom, immediate action must be taken, as the Eye has sunk its roots deep into you.

If the reading comes back positive, the candle should be snuffed and broken apart, and the oil and water tossed at the crossroads or flushed down the toilet. If it indicates that nothing is wrong, however, the water and oil can be blessed with prayer and added to one's bath, followed by an anointing with protective oils and fumigations; the candle can be left to burn down, or kept for use in performing this ritual again.

Egg Divination

This method is very simple, and is similar to the famed Limpia of Latinx traditions. It also enables you to capture the Eye, which can equip you with the means to reverse its effects, or to preserve its influence for later use.

To perform this charm, anoint a cold egg with Holy Anointing Oil or Olive oil, and rub it all over yourself or the afflicted person. Focus especially on the places within the body where the Eye has seated itself. You may choose to recite prayers of protection and cleansing while doing this, visualizing the egg as a void which takes into itself all that ails the victim's body. Make sure to always rub the egg downwards, so as to not bring the Eye back into the body. When the egg has covered every part of the victim's body, let them spit onto it. Crack the egg into a shallow bowl, and check for blood.

If the egg is bloody, the Eye has indeed been contracted, but it is now contained within the egg. If the albumen congeals around the yolk, with runny liquid separating from it, the Eye is still within the victim's body. If it is completely clear, however, the Eye is not present in the body.

Should you capture the Eye and find a bloody yolk, you may choose to feed this egg to an enemy or rival, to pass on the affliction. You may also choose to desiccate the yolk by placing it on a bed of salt and covering it with about an inch more. After a few weeks, it will take on the texture of a light stone. This can be powdered for use in hexing dusts, added to oils, or grated into the food of an unsuspecting party.

Otherwise, the yolk should be pierced with any manner of thorns, nails, pins, blades, etc... and scrambled before being left at the crossroads.

This method is especially useful after having performed cleansing rites or attempting to rid the victim of the Eye; if the Eye remains within the victim's body, further efforts should be made to rid them of it.

For techniques to remove the Eye, consider checking out our Patreon for various techniques enlisting the help of Hawthorn!


Feeding the Hekate Altar Bottles


The Evil Eye; The Envious Blade