The Birth of Nettle

Nettle Fetishes.jpg

The Nettle fetish is not only a charm, but a spirit. One that requires care, and respect. The Nettle fetish is the embodiment of the Genii of Nettle. He is Martial in nature, and carries out the responsibilities of his sphere. He can protect the home, and he makes an excellent guardian for those needing it. Nettle is not the Soldier, but the Guard; he does not seek confrontation, but he anticipates and warns, and if need be, strikes.

In this article, I aim to outline a method by which the practitioner may animate this Genii, and utilize its skills in a myriad of ways. This methodology is proper to my craft, and my experience. I do not claim it to be the only way to work with this spirit, and I do not claim to be an expert on the topic. I simply wish to share a part of my practice that may inspire others.

At the height of summer, locate a tall, robust Nettle patch, and set out to collect one of its individuals. Ideally, the Moon should be in Aries. If one wishes, they may align the collection of this wort with the third Mansion of the Moon, Al-Thurayya. Head out with a clear intent in mind: you are to collect the Genii of Nettle and return home. When you arrive at your location, search for the tallest, strongest nettle. Trace a circle around it with an implement of the art, whether wand, knife, or index finger. Dig around the crown of Nettle, and collect the whole plant, taking care to extract as much of the root as possible. Note that Nettle is covered in microscopic hairs, delivering a healthy dose of formic acid directly into the dermis. The result is a bright, hot, and dry rash. This quality is very Martial, and it is the key element highlighting Nettle's affiliation with this sphere. That said, it is highly unpleasant, and I recommend wearing thick gardening gloves when harvesting this plant. Take care to place the plant onto a sheet, or piece of cloth, ensuring that it does not touch the ground, lest it lose its virtue. Fill the gap you have formed with appropriate offerings; tobacco, liquor, cream, butter, currency, food, etc... Cover this hole to the best of your ability, and erase the circle you had traced initially. There should be minimal evidence of your collection. Immediately head home, making sure not to look back.

Once home, set Nettle onto a dry surface, away from direct sunlight, for 4-8 hours. Once wilted, Nettle will lose his sting, and become pliable enough to fashion into our fetish. Fashion Nettle into a roughly human shape; make sure to also fashion a sword to equip him. Feel free to cut lengths from the stem. A good place to start is a simple cross shape. The root should be separated, and chopped finely. Half of it should be dried thoroughly in a low oven, or in a sunny window. The other half should be decocted until a dark infusion is obtained. This infusion is then boiled down until it is reduced, and relatively thickened. This will become the water of baptism for our fetish. Once Nettle has been processed, and fashioned into your desired form, our ritual begins. Note that it is important for our roasted Nettle root to be thoroughly dry, for it will form part of our fumigation. This rite is best done outdoors, but can be done indoors if you do not mind your home smelling like a fresh pack of cigarettes for the next few weeks.

Place Nettle, now fashioned into the form of the fetish, onto its sheet upon the ground. Have above it a lit white candle. Have to its side a lit brazier, and a mixture of your Nettle root, and a small amount of Tobacco, Cedar, and Artemisia. Have also two bowls, and your decoction of Nettle root. Begin by drawing a circle. This can be as elaborate or as simple as you would like. I personally prefer a simpler approach:

Draw the perimeter of your circle, clockwise, with a consecrated blade. This can be the Wiccan Athame, it can be the Black Hilted Knife, or it can simply be a blade utilized in your craft. State that you are delineating this space in the name of whichever spirit you prefer to invoke. I prefer the Trinity. Trace the circle again, this time with a white candle. State the delineation of your space once again. Face each direction, and call for the spirits of each to be present to witness your rites:

'Spirits of the East! Bright, vivid, delighting in music! Hear me, and make yourself present for these rites!

Spirits of the South! Hot, fiery, delighting in war! Hear me, and make yourself present for these rites!

Spirits of the West! Cool, agile, delighting in love! Hear me, and make yourself present for these rites!

Spirits of the North! Cold, dark, delighting in silence! Hear me, and make yourself present for these rites!'

Return to the center of your circle, where you have placed Nettle. Place him within one of the bowls or basins, and pour upon him your decoction. Do this repeatedly, shifting Nettle from bowl to bowl until he is completely saturated with this decoction. Save the remainder, as it will be mixed with the leftover incense to create a conjuration blend. As you bathe Nettle in his own Blood, recite the following prayer of Baptism:

O Lord, let me be witness to the baptism of Nettle. Expurgate our sins, for we repent from them. Please, baptize this Nettle with your Holy Spirit, to be empowered to protect the home, to defend against assailants, to keep watch, to remain on high alert, and to destroy all enemies. Let this Spirit become more than the sum of its parts, let him be animated in your name. Let him live a long, prosperous, and triumphant life on Earth. Grant me mastery of this Spirit, the Genii of Nettle. Grant me the power to command and compel, to guide and direct this Spirit of Nettle. Let him be with the sole ability to serve me, and to aid me in my work. In the names of El, Elohim, Elohe, Adonay, El-Shaddai, Tetragrammaton! In the name of Eschereie! In the name of Cados Cados Cados! Nettle, I name you (insert your chosen name here)! Amen.

Repeat this prayer as many times as you need, or until the fetish in your hands seems to take on a life of its own. Oftentimes it might try to slip out of the bowl, or splash the waters around. Once Nettle is baptized, hold him at arm's length, much like a child. Take a breath as deep as you physically can, lean in, and blow this breath directly into Nettle. Your lungs should be empty and quivering, as if you were transferring your very life to the fetish. Repeat this nine times. Once Nettle is full of Breath, and his Soul has manifest, begin sprinkling your herbal mixture onto the lit brazier. This incense gives off large wafts of smoke, and as such may not be appropriate for use in confined spaces, and is not appropriate at all in the presence of pets and small children. Hold Nettle amidst the billows of smoke, and state the purpose of his animation. This is the proper time to charge him with any tasks you require of him. You may charge him to protect the home, to protect a particular item, or person. You can also ask him to join forces with Mars whenever required, for curses and protection alike. Continue by presenting Nettle to each corner:

'Spirits of the East! Bright, vivid, delighting in music! Recognize this Child of Mine, lend him your force!

Spirits of the South! Hot, fiery, delighting in war! Recognize this Child of Mine, lend him your force!

Spirits of the West! Cool, agile, delighting in love! Recognize this Child of Mine, lend him your force!

Spirits of the North! Cold, dark, delighting in silence! Recognize this Child of Mine, lend him your force!'*

End your rites by thanking the Spirits present and leaving offerings. Wine, incense, unsalted bread and butter, etc... are all great for this work. Trace the circle again, this time counterclockwise, stating that you are clearing this circle and thanking the spirits present. From this point on, Nettle is a fierce ally in the practitioner's craft. He does, however, require a task to be kept happy. A lack of work can render him restless and cause him to begin wasting away or becoming complacent. You can charge him with a new task when the Moon is waxing, especially when she is aligned with Al-Thurayya. Here follows a simple rite with the goal of charging Nettle with a new task.

Begin by combining the remainder of the Baptismal Waters and of your herb blend. Leave this to sit overnight in a glass jar, with a tight fitting lid. In the morning, open the vessel, and let this mixture sit until the waters have completely evaporated. Collect the thoroughly dry mixture and powder it finely. This powder has now become a representation of your relationship with Nettle. It is the being of the plant, now reduced to dust, to its primary form. This is the Clay of Nettle. From this can be made a wonderful oil, or tincture. It can also be used as a powder, to strew or sprinkle onto candles, when calling upon Nettle for aid. For our purpose, however, it will be burnt as incense.

You do not need to cast a circle for this work, but you most certainly can. Have a glass of water, or wine, a piece of bread, and your Clay. You will also need a candle, a censer, and Nettle himself. Begin by lighting your candle before Nettle, and knocking upon his chest thrice. Present him with your offerings of bread and wine, and sprinkle the Clay onto the censer, letting its smoke rise. Take Nettle and pass him through the smoke as you charge him with your task:

'Oh, Child of Mine, hear my requests. I ask you to do so and so, and offer you this meal in exchange for your aid. As your Master I command you, do so and so. Do as I ask and you shall receive further offerings and praise.'

Repeat your request thrice, or until you feel it 'click.' Once Nettle has accomplished his task, give him further offerings, and thank and praise him for his work.

Should you wish to create an oil, which you may use to commune with Nettle, or to further amplify his ability to affect our world, do the following. Place the Clay of Nettle into a jar, and pour upon it enough grain alcohol to saturate the mixture. There should be around one milliliter of alcohol floating atop the Clay. Cover this with a tight fitting lid, and leave in a sunny window for up to a week. Agitate daily. After this time, add as much oil as you added alcohol. Cover once again, and let sit for a single day, agitating as many times as you'd like. The next morning, agitate the mixture once again, and leave uncovered until the alcohol completely evaporates. This can take up to a week in a colder environment, but at the height of summer can be accomplished in a single sunny afternoon. Once your alcohol has completely evaporated, add as much oil as you'd like to the mixture, and let steep, covered, for another week. Strain and bottle. Use this oil when charging Nettle to protect a specific object, or container. Use it also when charging him with the protection of a space, by anointing a candle and burning it. Use it to anoint your brow, the back of your neck, the palms, and feet, as well as the chest, when needing protection or wanting to commune with Nettle. You can omit the oil entirely, and fashion a tincture from the Clay, but this is not recommended. Nettle Root has a strong diuretic effect, which can lead to excess urination and dehydration when taken in excess.

A final note: Imparting breath to the fetish is the quintessentially important step of this process. By breathing into Nettle, we are instilling part of our Soul, or Breath into it. In a way, the Holy Spirit drawn down during the baptism, and the Living Breath of the practitioner combine together to give birth to, or rather, animate, the Spirit of Nettle. The Spirit henceforth becomes tied to the very essence of the practitioner, and becomes much like a child. The practitioner is now responsible for Nettle, as its creator and master. Nettle should be fed at least once a week, and for every deed he accomplishes in your name. He should be kept clean, and away from pestering animals or children. Treat him respectfully, and he will serve you well,

With pleasure,



Update, releases, and going forward:


What’s coming to Kitchen Toad? - September 8th update